Prompt reaction

Discussion in 'Archive' started by jamescicio, Mar 2, 2013.

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  1. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    So when i came up with the wings +12+L+ign+hp at 100 % chaos machine rate to be returned after failing only answer i got was " NO " , when i start to shake it up a little = delete accounts :).

    Good administration. This is for players to know
  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I won't delete the thread and ban you. I do understand a player frustration when he looses something ... i probably was the same on the age of 15 but you're way above this age.

    Let's clear things up here since i'm sick and tired of your attitude.

    First of all your accounts were not deleted. They are all intact and waiting for you to realize you are playing a game. Just look on website and you'll get that.

    Secondly, you got mad because you lost an item. Why are you playing this game?

    Third, you asked me to edit the item and add it back to your character. Seriously? Would this be fair for all players? Indeed, you've paid for talismans to up this item so you lost few bucks for 6 talismans. Paying doesn't mean you should get guaranteed everything you want. Some people that donate actually think they have ultimate rights on this server.

    Imagine that overall i've paid from my own pocked over $2000-$3000 for this server since it started. Who on this damn earh would do such thing to keep a server online? Well seems I'm addicted enough to do that but when I see people like you i start regreting it really bad.

    I even showed you proofs that this can happen but you're probably too angry to understand that.

    I' ve let you continue playing despite being a jackass plently of times and other people telling me i shouldn't even bother with you and just ban you forevern.

    YES, you can get a fail on 100% rate. YES, this is known since 0.97d and NO, this cannot be fixed since it's hardcoded and no one ever managed to do it and will never do. You still forget you are playing a game created by Webzen, not by us, you are playing a game that is not perfect, you are playing game that is not bugless and will never be and yes, this is a GAME, not real life.

    A simple google search " mu chaos machine fail 100% " will offer you all proofs you need.

    Chaos Machine - MuHQ Mu Online Game Fansite. GlobalMMO online gaming network. (OFFICIAL MU GLOBAL DISCUSSION)

    Also instead of quoting me lame stuff, check that some users are offtopic and talking about a chaos item and the thread is from 2004. People that says it's impossible to fail on 100% are those who never got this happening. You can see yourself lots of answers where people failed on 100% on OFFICIAL SERVER.


    and another

    The list goes on as you search google

    Prompt action? Obviously since everytime you don't like something you start actying like a crybaby by flaming and getting under other's people skin with your bad influence. You were banned from different low exp servers for the same reason. The only difference is that they didn't welcomed you back like we did.
  3. Offspring

    Offspring Active Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    There was aboslutely no reason for that ban. Its f awsome server if admin is abusing his power. You should really keep those theards for all to see.
  4. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Banned until you'll calm down.

    You'll be able to read the thread multiple times.

    PS: Use the google yourself.

    And if you want the visual CM fix then ask webzen and i'll be glad to get that fix. Probably all private servers would be.

    If you're gonna become crazy because of a single item lost on CM then stop playing online games. You probably made over 100-200 chaos machine mixes and one of them failed on 100%. Get over it or stop playing!
    Agape likes this.
  5. Offspring

    Offspring Active Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    Why delete his last post? Cus he explained logically what you did wrong and why he is correct?
  6. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    You're posting here on his demand. Isn't this really pathetic to register and account just because he told you?

    There is absolutely a good reason for ban. He ceased nervously because he lost an item ingame and started flaming like a child.
    You can see this thread, everything else was written on PM. If you understand our language i can print the PMs and see yourelf.

    As i've said, the big difference between this server and other server where he played is that we let him comeback. Other servers never did that. You can figure yourself why.

    Why? Because his language was rude and not appropiate for this forum and for our rules. You knew that other nations call ours, ro people jipsty because of such behaviour? People like him are a bad influence for all of our kind. Just ask any ro player and he will tell you the same.

    About wrong and correct, read my first post. If you can understand that fine ; if you camed here just because that guy told you then don't even bother. He will say any stupid thing to keep you on his side.

    Probably no one is wrong, and no one is correct. The only issue here is the bad language and behaviour in a game which is totally outrageous and pathetic.

    I'm to blaim that i haven't kicked him out permanently 1 year ago though, when everyone told me to do so. This guy really has personal issues. I think he quited this game atleast 20+ times and nedeed there are a lot of players like him but i just gave this too much attention each and everytime and tried to save their thinking and make them realize it's just a game. We are talking about a lost item after all, for god sake. People that cannot stand that really should not play online games.

    PS: There was another guy that lost an item on 100% once and PM-ed me about it

    So imagine that out of hundred of players, james and that guy had this. Lost an item at 100% after tens, hundreds of chaos mixes. Is this really a reason to cry out loud like this? Why the other guy never acted like james did? Not to mention if you people really realize that this rare thing happend to less than 0.1% (or even 0.01%) of all CM mixes.

    I mean c'mon big companies like blizzard which is 10x times bigger than webzen had bigger issues. Those guys are paying each employer with big money and they players are paying a lot and earning a lot from auction houses and stuff. All of these and those players act way better than james while we are not even a company but a private server, we are not getting paid as employers and we don't earn billion of usd.

    Yea, i know that there will always be such players that will just never get it! will never understand the work behind a server, will never see their own mistakes, they will always think they are right and they will always expect for perfection. This won't ever change so they will have to adapt themselves and finally get it.
  7. Offspring

    Offspring Active Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    I came here cus you are abusing your power and being unfair. He failed with 100%, that should not happen. Even if it is "default bug" that cannot be fixed then he should get his item back cus there is no information about 100% failing on blizzard mu forum or homepage.

    I think that everyone here understands that this is a game but you still spend time on it and expect it to be fair.

    Edit: It realy doesnt matter to me what has happend before this situation. Maybe he did something wrong and should have been banned but it happend ages ago and clearly isnt reason for ban anymore.
  8. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Banning someone that is being rude and speaks like crap is not called "abusing powers and being unfair". What you want me to do? You want me to edit his items back and maybe ad some FO items to your account too? Would this be fine?

    He failed with 100% and that should not happen indeed. Now go yourself and complain to Webzen because they created this game. You are playing a private server here. While some things can be changed, some cannot! and will never be. Glitches like arena 8 8 , 100% rare visual, condor rate 1-3% visual, agility and hp bugs on 32000 stats, resetting exp and damage after 65535, and others are known by all old players and they will always stay like this. You either understand that and get used with them or simply don't play this game. You are all playing it since you agreed with it!

    There is no information about 100% failing on blizzardmu forum or homepage and will never be because it's no point in doing this, it's a rare thing that happensn less than 0.01% 0.1% cases (it's rare but it can) and will never be readed by others. Some things are known since 97d and are basis of MU. People that act like this will still act the same way even if they know or not. No idea if you played here a year ago when everyone was hating james and was telling just to ban him but he never followed the rules. He always tried to change the server by himself only while no one agreed with him and stuff. Say what, create your own server and handle it better than we do. You'll see things are a lot harder to do than speaking about them.

    Offspring, you just joined the forum because someone told you so and i am 100% sure you never read these server rules, report rules or any other guide related to this server. If you have something constructive to post do it, but do it with your own words and after reading everything.

    There are people that never encountered this glitch and thats because it's really rare! It's all about the client here! This has the harcoded rates included.

    To understand things better here is an example:

    Imagine that we put the max CM rates 10% on server side.

    When you'll try to mix an item, you will probably see a 90% chance with good items. Well this chance is the hardcoded value in client and it's not the real value. The max chance you will get here will be the server side one which is 10%.

    Rates are public and everyone should know that ofc if they ever read the extra info.

    Here you can see the full rates file of this server and start thinking yourself

    [I]Removed the full rates list as suggested on PM since other servers could steal our settings and configs which are closest to GMO.
    Just PM me if you need it.
    Also, remember that mix max rate on items is the rate w/o luck. The luck percent is +25% as default.

    You are not playing a 9999x server to have 100% mix

    SCFDLRFCapeMaxPercent =90
    SCFSecondWingMaxPercent =90

    So the guy failed on 90%. Yes, shit happens.

    Want to know more? He used his VIP account to create items for others which is forbidde and he wasn't punished for that. You know how this is called? It's called abuse of other people kindness.

    That's a clasic scenario that being too good will get you into trouble. So think twice before telling me i've abused my powers for someone who doesn't deserve a single bit of attention (even if i always listened to it's issues and suggestions) that had more than 2 chances given on this server until now after breaking the rules over and over again

    EDIT: Received a PM few min ago with a question
  9. Offspring

    Offspring Active Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    I'v read forum rules before. Been here for while, I'v just had no reason to register or post. If I wouldnt agree with him then I wouldnt be here.

    Nah, Id realy have to sell those FO items to shop cus I like to play fair. its actully reason why I chose this server- no overpowered donators. I want you to give back his item, if you believe its necessary then ban him for some time. I understand that it's rare thing or bug that happens sometimes but that is no reason to go "shit happens, get over". You're admin, you are supposed to get this kind of stuff fixed, if it's not impossible like now then you should give items back at least.
  10. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    This is getting hilarious.

    Please stop playing games if your thinking is like that. If I am an admin it doesn't mean i have full rights and control over a game that it's not mine and that will never be.

    Ok lets return all items lost at CM to all players and turn this server into a pijama party server. Did you used your own words in any of your posts? Or i assume that james told you: hey, write him this and that, tell him this and that

    As a stop on this non-sense ...

    For the 100th time, i haven't created MU and none of us did so you are mostly playing their their rules before playing by ours.
    There is no bugless game in this world and there will never be.
    If we will ever create our personal game you'll be the first to know but just a pre-warning: it will never be perfect just like the others.

    If you want to point your finger towards someone then point it to yourself because you don't understand the online games and private servers concept.

    If an official discussion thread like Chaos Machine - MuHQ Mu Online Game Fansite. GlobalMMO online gaming network. and hundred of posts with confirmation of this that can be found on google by searching mu chaos machine fail 100% won't convince you, then i'll stop here.
    You will just agree with him because you are friends or so, thing that i do not care at all. I'm friend with everyone but i won't act like a jerk just because of that and agree with someone that seems to be just crazy.

    Please go and PM the following people that posted below and call them idiots and liers because they posted true facts.

    People that says it's impossible to fail on 100% are those who never got this happening. You can see yourself lots of answers where people failed on 100% on OFFICIAL SERVER.

    Don't play online games if you can't stand loosing! Thats the most important conclusion.
    Agape likes this.
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