My Fun Suggestions ^^

Discussion in 'Archive' started by blkhawk, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. blkhawk

    blkhawk Supporter

    Jan 10, 2009
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    Please if you willing to comment my suggestions :). (please allow creative & positive comments and not put downs :()

    Note: These suggestions might of already have been suggested but i have not fully read the entire forum so i have not copyrighted anyone in this thread & is entirely my own ideas :).

    LOL ^^ BLAH BLAH ect.

    - +10 pt? = wow more the merryier
    - +50-100 stacked jwls? = S>SM lvl3 wings = 1600jwls!
    - +more tough cookie monsters = rawr, pros only
    - +davias +2 +3 warps = i hate to wing it to those ho spots :p
    - +more maps? = wow look icarus has a huge secret place full of NOTHING -.-"
    - +secret shop? = lol iono put lvl 1 wings or something ^^
    - +CC fair stats? = if possible make everyone in cc stats all 10 or 20k for instead of instant death :p
    - +skill tree? = whats this? i have no clue
    - +class 3 = yes please make it so that pros look kool and noobs cant have lvl 3 wings ^^
    - +DM coin Drops? = as well for the event in lorencia but global monsters having to have .03-1.0% to drop them regardless to event hour which has more % to drop
    - +renaming items = Wings of Vortex = ok, into Wings of Archangels = elite :cool: ect.
    - +MAKE ME SPECIAL = grant me powers of a GM \m/

    lol, these are only the few suggestions i have come up with. ENjoy

  2. Diegah

    Diegah Member

    Dec 1, 2008
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    -dont think that party members could be increased
    -cant pay 1600 jwls in 1 trade? trade for lowered ammount of jwls :D
    -so lvling get boring and a lot easier
    -which maps do u want?
    -thats lame, go to fast server and u ll see kundun on shop even
    - get stronger :)
    -season 4 just w8 a bit
    -class lvl 3 its bugged, all the server i played with it once u complete it u cant see ur lvl
    -they ve a good drop right now
    -names are fine like they are now
    -if u wanna be special make ur own server u ll be admin no gm x), u ve a thread where's the info about beeing a gm of diablo mu ^^.
  3. ads1551

    ads1551 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    about the gm deal...there is a thread about that...use search and go find it...then mail them the info from it...