Those are the Screenshots and some more extra when he was there and didnt accept party or leave spot
Funny,i was afk there by 2 hours.what ks ? ))) I do not picture every spot it is free.thanks. You said that: Leave or report you. Raport for what ? because I was afk for 2 hours ???!!
I do take ss in every free spotI found since KalEl could be arround in r2 and that !@#$%@#$%^ love to KS
I'm not sure what is so funny but when joining a server the first thing to do is to read the rules and obviously you didn't so remember to do that next time as it's important. Well you should make a SS only when you decide to pick a spot. It doesn't take more than 1 second to do that and it's a proof that you owned that spot and in case someone would report you for KS you will be able to defend yourself and you won't get banned. The following logs indicates that you were not the first one on the spot. You were indeed on that spot before but you left the spot for quite an ammount of time so another person claimed it. Before coming to this spot you were leveling on the next spot near this one as you can see below. Your mistake is the fact that you were selfish and you didn't wanted to make party with LoMein no matter if you were there first or him. You all need to learn to be helpful with eachother and accept the party. That's not the only spot on the server after all. Started Moving from this spot The moment when you reached LoMein's spot Map 57 = Raklion ( x , y ) = Map Coordinates Regarding the proofs RobuMg is banned for 1 day. I saw ingame that you're not an english expert so if you need a Romanian language explanation of the situation let me know. We have MuMasters from different parts of this world so those who have some hard time with English language can also ask for help from our RO, PL, GR MuMasters in their own native language.