But where it's you're word's like " Party or NO KS ? " http://forum.gamesymbol.com/f11/[read]-report-rules-390374/#post557433
I think u need to read the rules again - You are not allowed to ks the player / non-full party that is already on the spot without asking for party and getting a refusal message. - It's not considered ks if another player / non-full party comes and attacks on a spot if the player / non-full party that is already there refuses to join their party.
Norita I see that you know the KS rules, but ks rules and report rules are 2 different things. He may broke the KS rules, but you didn't reported it proper. For a proper report you must read the Report RULES . What's wrong with ur report : 1. Time interval between alone on spot screen and when ks started is more than 2 hours 2. You don't have the print while partying the KS-er that did not asked for party So your report is inconclusive. Read the report rules and do a proper report next time.
Jimmy I think u need to read rules also: You are not allowed to ks the player / non-full party that is already on the spot without asking for party and getting a refusal message. He didn't ask/request party .. he just started to KS
As I said above, yes he ks-ed you, but to get him banned you must do a proper report. L.E I have spoken with him in game and I have explained him how this things works. Closed