I dont understand why u banned me if in rules say "HOW TO REPORT RULE BREAKERS WITH SCREENSHOTS It is important that you take appropriate screenshots. This means the maximum conversation log must be visible and legible while keeping the actual screen content partly visible. Press F4 until the conversation window takes up the full height of the screen and alter the transparency of this window so that the writing is clear and legible, but not so that the window is fully opaque. (Maxed Chat Window) Screenshots where very little of the conversation window is shown may be deemed inadmissible as evidence and dismissed. Last edited by SephiroTH : 04-23-2008 at 09:24 AM. Reason: To make /post rule clear ! "...In this thread the posting rules are not respected...
you needed to ask for party first...if he refuses then you can ks...look over the rules again yea about was clear that you didn t chated with him...even if it was 2xf4 there was no conversation until he told you "no ks", "no ks" ... and you didn t answered to him
U have to say :"even if it was 2xf4 there was no conversation until he told you "no ks", "no ks" " in the rules or something like that... i cant prove that we speack in the first place and after i make ks , he trick me (...good luck all...and is not good that u say u have to make a ss with full f4 and than to aprove that ss whit no full f4...
geez i have kids that suffer so much from a 2days ban....stop acting was your ks'ed him without saying a word...i know exactly what most of you do so stop trying to look inocent Take a 2days rest or play with another character , maybe next time you'll learn to respect rules
hai ca deja o dai in vrajeala ai regulili pe care tu nu le respectzi shi imi vb mie de zis eu ca nu am facut ks...numai ca postarea nu a fost facut dupa regulile impuse de ai decat sa faci ce vrei nu-mi pasa catushi de putzin...problema era sa modifici regulamentul sa nu se mai repete pe ma lua cu kids newbie shi altele ca nu ishi au loc sa rezolvi problema avand in vedere ca e serv tau shi e in interesul tau sa-tzi mearga treaba tu incepi sa vb aiurea inafara subiectului...succes in viatza... PS:I`m Dolar...
You know very well that you are worng...and what the heck are you trying to prove? that u are over every1?...Knox, you are not )///if you think that, think opinion is that both of you should have been banned, u for not postin right, and Dolar for ks` it like a man