Kinda rant Thinkin of leaving

Discussion in 'Archive' started by kitten1st, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. kitten1st

    kitten1st Member

    Oct 27, 2008
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    Right first I just wanna what is the rule for Ks??

    I read on the website that it was ks if the there was a full party (4 players or more) in a cage Or something to that effect.

    Than on here if it just one person your ksin WDF!!

    Anyway I am so close to leaving this server (but im sure one person wont be of that much loss)

    Apart from half the links on the main page dont work ( like link to getting to forum)
    That the win mode cant minimize because F11 is a hotkey to vote... but is the wrong link!

    Collecting Sets for my sm and when it comes down to the helm HE cant wear it WDF!

    Elfs cant use new bows coz they are bugged!

    but wait this is the final straw to make me go on this rant ...

    I have jsut spent the last 10 hours maybe more trying to get a tiny 50 levels!

    and why is it still taking me this long ( yup still havent got 50 levels)

    Because people keep KSin me I offer to party but of course there not going to say yes coz they have taken the spot over

    So ok I dontnormally care that much , if someone skes me I just think dog eat dog world.

    But it happens alll the time! and plus now it mean I have started to ks people. I am braking the rules? I have no clue because I dont find them to be clear!..

    Why should I have any compassion for anyone else when no one shows any to me!

    The fact is yesterday I had a full party most of which were newbs that I was helping . AND yet I stilled got KSed

    Most people I have met have tried to scam me .. ( yeah 3 s for a short short =7)

    Or just been rude or just dont talk ..

    Is it just me being very unlucky finding these people on this server or is there actually good people on here
  2. r3dpuma

    r3dpuma Member

    Dec 10, 2007
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    ok first of all... The KS rule is very crearly explained in the rules! dotn stay on sv2, thats the big ocean where the sharks 2 has no rules involvin KS or PK ( except full prty KS, and abusive PK, not the case here). on sv1 u cant be KS-ed even if u are alone on the post and u have taken an SS and asked for party the Ks-er, at this point u can do a KS report and voila BAN on the KS-er.
    Second of all, the links?? wtf, u crying over some links, use bookmarks! \
    3rd, i use minimizer since a year ago, dont use it in combination with other software that uses F11 key.
    4th, its such a tragedy that some of the new bows dont work, other servers has a million bugs more than ours, and it will be fixed anyway.
    This were my opinions!
  3. kitten1st

    kitten1st Member

    Oct 27, 2008
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    But seriously if i was to report all the times i get ksed I would be spending all my time on here reporting them!

    The most time I have spent on a spot is say 20 mins, and thats being generous...

    Than I get Ksed.. So this means that in a hour i would report 5 People .. wdf?

    Seriously thats how much i get ks ed and again "20 mins is the max. sometimes its only 5 mins

    And im not crying over the links.. Its just very unprofessional.

    Btw i was talking more of this rule :

    Because most people in arena are afk AND alone.

    But anyway even though there is suppose to be party = more exp thing on here.

    No one wants to party so you just get people coming along stealing spots.

    I try to party or ask politely to leave But i only get ignored ( because kser goes afk straight away) or get impolite messages back.

    So theres me trying to scrounge Left over exp in the cage or leaving with tail behind my back to find a spot.

    And pros are the worst ones for it. (lvl 3 wings Exc +13 prob at least 2 options sets attack so fast its just a blur)

    normally this kind of stuff would make me work harder.. but even though It did i have been working ma ass off and gotten no where for it.

    Anyway the 3 "rants" were not bothering that much just lil irritations..
  4. kitten1st

    kitten1st Member

    Oct 27, 2008
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    well going to make the decision today based on how people treat me today,

    The thing is i made this just to see if i was being unlucky finding these people and to see if there were any good reason to stay. So far all signs point to no
  5. catakills

    catakills Member

    Mar 23, 2008
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    there are a few easy things can do to avoid KS`ers, 1 simply report them correctly, 2 have a party, 3 (optional) ask a GM that is online to help you. keep reporting them and we will ban them, 6 bad marks and their account will be deleted. remember to make a correct report:
    1: SS with you alone on the spot
    2: SS with you asking him to party you
    3: SS with char ks`ing you (No ks)
    4: SS with you saying No ks Print 2
    5: SS with you saying No ks Print 3
    6: All SS have to be with a time interval of 3 minutes (1 ss every 3 minutes)
    Then upload the on one of the free share sites and post the links on our forum. We will take care of the rest.

    Thank you for your understandig!
  6. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @ Ok first of all are the kind of guy who wants to stay alone on spot and this can't happen...only if you get vip status or stay online when there are less online players

    Second ... report the ksers but i m sure you are not accomodate yet with the rule. And remember SERVER 1 ... on srv 2 ks/pk allowed

    @ On main website...the link that goes to forum works lol...which links doest work i m really curious

    @ Collecting sets problem...watchout because some sets are not for SM but for DW as it says there...and maybe are not for your class
    There are so many items that SM can equip i can t see your reason of complaining

    @ about the bows ... elf can t use the latest bows...but there are new bows that can be equiped ...( still undecided if you play sm or elf lol )

    @ ppl trying to scam you ? Hmm you should learn what scam means first of all
    second...why are you buying if it seems to be a big price ? search for other sellers ... how can you already know the market prices since you have only 1 day playing... thats really amazing

    @ lol 10 hours and you didn t made 50 lvls ? Maybe 10 hours in town....
    How can you say such thing when if you vote you get 50 lvls and start with 5000 stats ( 2rr and more )
    I can prove you even i stay in lorencia to spiders or dungeon i get those 50 lvls in 10-15 min
    or depends what lvl you are....if you are saying ur lvl is 350 then lol...go train arena or smth..this is a 100x exp server so last 50 lvls are a bit harder to get.
    After 4-5 rr everything will be more easier one keeps you here against your will. If you wanna leave we won't stop you...but the reasons mentioned by you are foolish
  7. Aaape

    Aaape Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    Oh kitten ^^´ Chill out, KS is part of the game, which sucks, thou I don't understand why u're having so much of a probs with ks, I just simply say smthing like "No ks wud be superb,thx", and the KSers usually leaves, if he doesn't, well then I'll find another spot ( Since I'm too lazy to report ksers)

    And about players, u just haven't met the right kind of ones :) They tend to hang on server2 (cuz they're maxed and searching for pk^^) or at lorencia vault on server1 :p
  8. Epic

    Epic Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    Bro honestly you are just very unlucky. All of those things (KS/PK/BUGS) are HUUGE problems on other servers. I havnt really come across it in my time here..
    I have met a ton of nice people here and had all the freedom in the world to lvl or whatever.

    Some of the event links and stuff are broken but no problem, im just waiting..

    This is the best server ive ever played and ive been at it for a Long damn time.
  9. kitten1st

    kitten1st Member

    Oct 27, 2008
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    Oh scamming ok So like someone saying Press shop than pet or something like thats not trying to scam you ( while in trade)

    so thats not scamming no ?

    Or dropping a candy box ang getting a falcon +6 and trying to sell it for 5 jewels to me, than goes off and tried to scam a new player. I managed to tell the guy and gave him some free items and partied him to help him.

    I am actually always in a party. I dont like leveling on my own because its boooring. Even though I only have 4 maybe 5 rr I always party New players, so your assumption is wrong.

    I was complaining about sets because I was collecting a "royal" +luck set for my SM and well i got the pants, boots and gloves so i started using jewels on them and well i was really happy when i found a helm... but strangely only a Mg,DK.DL could wear it. Dw was excluded.

    (i started on an elf )

    If no one Kses me I can get to lvl 350 to 400 in a couple of hours ( which im fine with)

    Im more complaining at the fact that Im quite happily Leveling on my spot with my friend or party .

    and someone will come along and ks, I will ask if they would like to party, or that could they not Ks.

    But i normally get a not very nice response like "no its my spot now" or "i dont wanna party with you noobs"

    So thats what im more upset about. Not the actually ksin part.

    Just people being rude. Like I said before I have been in a full party helping new characters out, and even told the kser to please dont ks as im helping out players to get their 1st reset and they still do. Im never rude about it.

    But players are rude back. and i dont like it.

    Ya and some players do just move on which i thank them .

    (and btw thats how long i have been registered on the forum not the game :eek:)

    I know Ksin is part of the game but like i said I really dont care its when people come take over and than be rude.

    Sorry I didnt make this more clear.

    And im not lying about the 10 hour thing either. I was amazed by it. the only reason I knew because it popped up in game that i had been. And no i wasnt in town!

    I had been looking for a spot for 5 hours and was waiting coz i didnt want to ks anyone when it was earlier in the morning (3 am) i managed to find a spot but fell asleep And awoke to find that i stayed on a spot enough to get half a level...

    I mean the first time i went on here an elf handed me an exc bow for free and I was over the moon and she was really helpful. But thats the only person I have really come across that has been polite.

    But I think I will give it one more week. Maybe I have been really unlucky in the people I meet
  10. Aaape

    Aaape Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    Yes, there are some dumbasses, every server got them, they think they own the spots they go in to, just moment ago while I was lvling my mg, in 4 ppl party, some guy (not gonna reveal the name, lolz.) came to spot, started attacking and said "afk".... I was like o_O Jesus what an dumbass, so I just said that "if u're gonna leave afk there, u're gonna regret it".... So no reply ^^ *Esc ---> Switch character ---> ComboBK -----> Warp Barraks -----> kabooom* :) He never came back, bwhahah ! ^^ I got my sweet revenge there.

    U can always join some good ally and u'll get assistance to your problems for sure ;)
  11. r3dpuma

    r3dpuma Member

    Dec 10, 2007
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    tell me what`s ure IGN :) i`ll help u meet some nice ppl :p u were just unlucky

    EDIT: problem solved, she joined the DarkSide :p
  12. equinoxx

    equinoxx Member

    Dec 27, 2007
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    Your fast tzu-fast in luring chicks :D share your means and ways to us.:D
  13. r3dpuma

    r3dpuma Member

    Dec 10, 2007
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    shtt :p its the 5th girl oin my guild :D kinda cool huh :p
  14. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    afterall you like girs ... pfu and i thought u are gay :)))
  15. r3dpuma

    r3dpuma Member

    Dec 10, 2007
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