How to Create Wings LvL 3 ( LvL 1 & 2 Wings Creation Included )

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Gix, Nov 7, 2007.

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  1. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Pentru a face aripi de lvl 3 itzi va trebui aripi de lvl 2 +9+add+4 ( nu folositi aripi de summoner ) sau mai bune,item ancient +7+add+4 sau mai bun,10 jewels of soul facute la lehap in lorencia, 1 jewel of chaos si 1 jewel of creation.Alege Regular Combination la chaos goblin apoi apasa Ok.Rata % este foarte mica,maxim este 60 %.Din aceasta combinatie va rezulta Condor's Feather.Acum ca o ai va trebuie sa gasesti Condor Stone care cade in toate hartile care necesita lvl 300 sau mai mare k sa potzi intra.Dupa ce ai gasito dute la Chaos Machine la regular Combination si pune Condor Stone ,Condor Feather ,10 jewels of soul si 10 of bless facutzi la lehap in lorencia, 1 jewel of creation si 1 jewel of chaos. Rata maxima la Chaos Machine este de 40 %.
    Noroc in Crearea Lor !
    English translation:
    To make level 3 wings, you will need level 2 wings ( no summoner wings ) +9+add+4 or better, ancient item +7+add_4 or better, 10 souls combined in one (using Lehap, found in lorencia), 1 jewel of chaos and 1 jewel of creation. Choose Regular combination after clicking the chaos goblin then press ok. The % is very low, maximum is 60%. From this combination, you will get 'Condor's Feather'. When you have it, you will now have to find the Condor Stone that drops in every map that has a level requirement of 300 or higher. After you found it, use the Regular Combination on the chos goblin and put the condor stone, the condor feather, 10 souls and 10 bless (both done at Lehap in lorencia), 1 jewls of chaos and one jewel of creation. The maximum % to suceed is 40%
    Good luck creationg them!
    I do not take any credits(or criticism for any mistakes)for this guide, this is just a translation of GhostDog's post from RO to EN.
    Copy - Paste from Premium
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