HELL guild can't stand competition

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Mirson, Feb 27, 2012.

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  1. Mirson

    Mirson Active Member

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Cry me a river ....

    Edit by Gix

    Best guild? On what....being unfair and crying on pvp competition? :)

    Pathetic as always. if you think you're so good then why you have cheated on castle siege newbie?

    And why you got upset because we deleted two fake guilds PINKY and Play4Fun from registration eh? HELL wasn't dequalified and no member was banned even if you deserved it but we didn't do that. You are crying now because real active guilds registered to siege and got the castle.

    Probably you are the first guild i ever saw cheating like this and calling it intelligent move. Registering fake guilds created with secondary characters of cs winner HELL with lots of sign of lors so no other guild would be able to register and this way there will be no opponent agains you on castle siege.

    No...you can't stand the competition and you are pathetic for that. No one cares about what you'll be doing from now on.

    If you don't like to be fair with everyone don't play online games

    PS: The only modification over this week castle siege was fake guilds deletion. Darkside or any other guild was already registered on 3, 4 and 5 place since PINKY and Play4Fun were on 1st and 2nd place with 300+ sign of lords registered.

    Play4Fun and PINKY are two inactive guilds created by HELL guild characters with maximum 9-10 members, maximum 1 reset (GM) and 0 resets on all other characters used to stop active guilds from Castle Siege registering so they won't have anyone to fight agains and to give 0 chance to any other guild for castle siege leadership.

    And as final word:

    It's your choice if you wanna leave or not but as long as you guys are not fair to the others i will not allow that. If you can't understand simple rules or being fair with other guilds don't call yourself the best guild. Think before saying some stupid words just because you lost a castle siege which you owned. If you are a good guild, you will take it back and afterall Castle Siege .. it's all about PvP and having fun with opponent vs opponent not like you did hell vs no guild

    Any fake guild registered on castle siege with the purpose of stealing active guilds chance of competing onto the event will always be deleted. We want competition on CS, no fake guilds that will have no one to fight online

    Also seems some ppl didn't understood right.

    I am not reffering on cheating with hacks. I am reffering on cheating as being unfair and registering fake inactive guilds on castle siege so other guilds can't compete on the event
  2. Frost3

    Frost3 Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    I'm just a moron.
    Mirson and NightBlue like this.
  3. NightBlue

    NightBlue Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Cya Mirson.I do not think you have cheats.

    When HotZone was castle owners we had the castle 3-4 weeks.
    what does that mean that; We had cheats too ?
    saxobeat, Frost3 and Mirson like this.
  4. Frost3

    Frost3 Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    JimmyCool is the best
    Mirson and NightBlue like this.
  5. NightBlue

    NightBlue Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2010
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  6. Frost3

    Frost3 Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    Last edited by JimmyCool; Today at 09:10 PM. Reason: language

    Congratulations Jimmy :) i see that U have a sanse of humor :) delate my post for language, and U write the same in that post :)

    Idiots etc. use admin in his post so I can do it too :p
  7. Lion

    Lion Supporter

    Jan 19, 2009
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    The best guild?:)):)):)) I can't stop laughing:rotflmao::rotflmao:

    You had the caste so long coz you regitered every time 2 more phantom ally and every CS just 1 ally attacked you. SO LAME :))

    And now when u were attacked by 3 ally, what ur "best" ally did? Runned :)):)):))

    Anyway no one holds u here so u r free to leave if u cant stand the real competition.:thumbup1:

    r3nu, Elther and Extazi like this.
  8. Mirson

    Mirson Active Member

    Sep 25, 2011
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    bueheheh... last week 19.02.2012r.

    Attackek: Psycho & GameOver, HeaveN & Legion
    No attacked: DarkSide because just do not register, but it helps you when you stand before the CS chamber, making it difficult for us to enter. One DS player told me in pw that the church fell on top Wink to prevent us from reaching the chamber, so that we lost the castle.

    in sum

    Attacked: Psycho & GameOver, HeaveN & Legion and DarkSide & VeteranZ

    So do not say that he fled the fact is that just gave. As you can see, even this plot did not help you because you just lost the battle ... So stop crying ...

    Bye Raziel...
  9. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Cry me a river ....

    Edit by Gix

    Best guild? On what....being unfair and crying on pvp competition? :)

    Pathetic as always. if you think you're so good then why you have cheated on castle siege newbie?

    And why you got upset because we deleted two fake guilds PINKY and Play4Fun from registration eh? HELL wasn't dequalified and no member was banned even if you deserved it but we didn't do that. You are crying now because real active guilds registered to siege and got the castle.

    Probably you are the first guild i ever saw cheating like this and calling it intelligent move. Registering fake guilds created with secondary characters of cs winner HELL with lots of sign of lors so no other guild would be able to register and this way there will be no opponent agains you on castle siege.

    No...you can't stand the competition and you are pathetic for that. No one cares about what you'll be doing from now on.

    If you don't like to be fair with everyone don't play online games

    PS: The only modification over this week castle siege was fake guilds deletion. Darkside or any other guild was already registered on 3, 4 and 5 place since PINKY and Play4Fun were on 1st and 2nd place with 300+ sign of lords registered.

    Play4Fun and PINKY are two inactive guilds created by HELL guild characters with maximum 9-10 members, maximum 1 reset (GM) and 0 resets on all other characters used to stop active guilds from Castle Siege registering so they won't have anyone to fight agains and to give 0 chance to any other guild for castle siege leadership.
    r3nu, Elther, Extazi and 2 others like this.
  10. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    And as final word:

    It's your choice if you wanna leave or not but as long as you guys are not fair to the others i will not allow that. If you can't understand simple rules or being fair with other guilds don't call yourself the best guild. Think before saying some stupid words just because you lost a castle siege which you owned. If you are a good guild, you will take it back and afterall Castle Siege .. it's all about PvP and having fun with opponent vs opponent not like you did hell vs no guild

    Any fake guild registered on castle siege with the purpose of stealing active guilds chance of competing onto the event will always be deleted. We want competition on CS, no fake guilds that will have no one to fight online

    Also seems some ppl didn't understood right.

    I am not reffering on cheating with hacks. I am reffering on cheating as being unfair and registering fake inactive guilds on castle siege so other guilds can't compete on the event

    @Understand now NightBlue?

    r3nu, CyPher, Elther and 1 other person like this.
  11. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Next created thread will bring a ban to the author.

    As i've said, no one cares about your story. I have explained exactly what happend and i didn't added anything from myself.

    You are just a nervous kid that lost an ingame event called castle siege on fair way. You tried to avoid a fair fight by registering PINKY and Play4Fun as fake guilds so others couldn't compete to the event

    You can't stand competition and leaving like a coward instead of fighting back with the current castle siege owner and recover the crown to your guild
    Elther, NightBlue and Lion like this.
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