[Guide]Castle Siege

Discussion in 'Archive' started by hanamhyzy, Sep 13, 2007.

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  1. hanamhyzy

    hanamhyzy Senior Member

    Feb 28, 2007
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    Castle Siege Registration .....

    How To Get Signs Of Lord ?

    The only method to obtain SOL ( Sign of Lord ) is to participate onto Search and Destroy Eventavailable on both NoN PvP and PvP Servers.

    Event will start with the following message " The White Rabbits invaded us - Kill them and collect The Signs of Lord ! " and you need to hunt the white rabbits in Devias.

    The S & D Event schedule

    Every 2 hours starting 12:30 AM - Server Time // Eg: 0:30 , 02:30 , 04:30 .... 14:30, 16:30 ...

    Step by Step Guide on How To Register

    1. Go to Loren Deep by warping or by simply going to Lorencia 238 13
    (Entrance of Loren Deep from Lorencia wall)

    Here is a Picture of Loren Deep Entrance from Lorencia


    2. Go to Castle Seige Manager at 85 60 inside Loren Deep


    3. Click on the Castle seige manger and look for the announce tab

    Only 9 guilds can enter Castle Seige Event


    4. To register

    you need 5 or more Guild Members

    Sign of Lord (maximum Sign of Lord is 5555)

    every 255 pcs of Sign of lord gives you 1 point for registration statues

    When and what Day to Register

    Registration start after Castle Seige on Sunday and will end on Wednesday 11:59 / 23:59 [PM] Server Time

    How will you know if your one of the participants in Castle Seige Event

    Your guild will appear here


    After 2 days for announcement period, you can now register your Sign of Lord

    Only the guilds who made announcement for the event can join
    you will be given 2 days to put Sign of Lords


    Here is how, step by step. (for example you got 255 sign of lord)

    Press the register tab till you finish

    Picture before


    Picture after


    When your all done, you can see your guild is registered with 255 Sign of Lord, you can also see your processing number 8, that means i was the 8th guild to register with marks of Sign of Lord


    Note: The more Sign of Lord the better Chance of being one of the Participants

    More informations .....

    Castle Siege Basics

    * There is only one Castle on Valhalla in the Valley of Loren.
    * Move to Lorencia (239, 13) to enter the Valley of Loren.
    * There is no level restriction for entering the Valley of Loren.
    * The Valley of Loren map is PVP for all, even if you came from a non-PVP server.
    * During the actual Castle Siege event, you can attack your opponents without holding down the CTRL key.
    * Items that normally could drop when you are PKed with Outlaw status will not drop during the Castle Siege event.

    Siege Participants Requirements

    * All participating guilds must have a Guild Master that is at least Level 100 or higher (no Class restrictions).
    * All participating guilds must have at least 5 members or more.
    * In order to actually be able to interact with the Castle’s devices or to even win the event, a guild must be a part of an alliance.
    * Anyone in the Valley of Loren can “participate” or interact with players, but these members or guilds can’t actually win the event themselves.
    * If the guild that holds the castle disbands at anytime, they will forfeit the castle.
    * There can only be three attacking guilds during the event.


    Guild Registration period : Monday 12:00am ~ Wednesday 11:59pm

    Truce Period: Wednesday 11:59pm ~ Thursday12:00am

    Registration period for Mark of Lord: Thursday 12:00am ~ Friday 11:59pm

    Announcement : Sunday 12:00am ~ Sunday 4:00pm

    Castle Preparation : Sunday 4:00pm ~ Sunday 7:00pm

    Siege Warfare : Sunday 8:00pm ~ 9:00pm

    How to register for a siege

    Qualified guilds must talk to the Guardsman NPC and press the "Announce" button and their registration will be accepted.

    Only the guild master of the main alliance can announce “intent to siege” to the guardsman NPC.

    All members of a guild that has announced their intent to siege can collect and submit Signs of Lord during the registration period.

    When the guardsman NPC is clicked, the guild name and allied guilds names rankings will show on the registry.

    When the guard NPC is clicked Siege status information will be shown.

    Guilds are ranked according to several factors, including how many Signs of Lord have been obtained.

    Only the top 3 guilds and their allies will be given a priority for the siege.

    Guard NPC

    Castle Siege Status Info

    Computation for registration rank:
    Registration Ranking = ((Number of registered Signs of Lord * 5) + Number of Guild Members) + Level of Guild Master /4

    Siege Status
    Truce Period Starts from the end of siege till the start of the next siege. Alliances can only be forged during this time!
    Siege Registration Announcement Time for guilds to announce their intentions to attack the castle
    Registration period Time to compete for the top 3 slots for the siege by using Signs of Lord to enhance their ranking
    AAnnouncement of Qualified Guilds Announces guilds that have been accepted into Castle Siege.
    Seige Start Starting time for Castle Siege

    * Note: Players can get a Signs of Lord through hunting any monsters.

    Siege Battle Basics

    When the the guild registration is complete, the invading team and their allies will have a sword icon and defending and their allies will have a shield icon.

    * PK penalty does not apply to the guilds of the invading and defending team.
    * The above condition is applicable only in the Valley of Loren.
    * PK penalty will not be applied to both invading team and defending teams but will be applicable to other characters who are not participants.
    * The Guild Masters will have a crown mark on the top instead of sword or shield mark.
    * Neutral characters will not be marked as attackers or defenders.
    * Guild registration/withdrawal during the battle is not allowed.

    Siege Players

    * The invading team will have a sword icon and the defending team will have a shield on top of their character.
    * The guild master will have a crown icon instead of sword or shield. (A blue crown for the defending team and a red one for invading team)

    Neutral character can attack while pressing [CTRL]..

    Guild Master for Invading team


    Guild Master for Defending team

    Guild Member for Invading team

    Guild Member for Defending team


    Basic Policy and Winning condition

    * The alliance under the invading/defending team will automatically be sorted into each invading/defending team.
    * Attacking your own troops is possible by pressing Ctrl key, as well as certain AOE spells will cause damage to your own allies.
    * Range attack can give 80% reduced damage to your own troops and 60% reduced damage for other troops.
    * To win Castle Siege, the guild master's official seal should be registered in the pedestal located at the dragon tower, and if it is successfully registered, the lord of the castle is updated with the player who registered.
    * Only the guild master can register the official seal in the pedestal.
    * To register, press it for 30 seconds and if the 2 switches that are needed for stamping are cancelled or the character gets killed, the registration will fail.
    * If there's remaining time, even if the registration was successful, the battle will continue but the 2 camps of invading/defending team will be exchanged.
    * The guild with their official seal registered at the end of the siege will become the lords of the castle.
    * The guild that owns the castle (including the alliance) can warp into the Valley of Loren to go the castle*.




    *Warp command cannot be used during the Castle Siege Warfare stage, but the defending team can warp to the front of the castle by using "Town Portal Scroll".

    Credits to
    MU Global Online
    and Aragorn24
  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Guild Registration period : Monday 12:00am ~ Wednesday 11:59pm

    Truce Period: Wednesday 11:59pm ~ Thursday12:00am

    Registration period for Mark of Lord: Thursday 12:00am ~ Friday 11:59pm

    Announcement : Sunday 12:00am ~ Sunday 4:00pm

    Castle Preparation : Sunday 4:00pm ~ Sunday 7:00pm

    Siege Warfare : Sunday 8:00pm ~ 9:00pm
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  3. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    !!! GUIDE UPDATED !!!


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  4. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    How To Get Signs Of Lord ?

    The only method to obtain SOL ( Sign of Lord ) is to participate onto Search and Destroy Eventavailable on both NoN PvP and PvP Servers.

    Event will start with the following message " The White Rabbits invaded us - Kill them and collect The Signs of Lord ! " and you need to hunt the white rabbits in Devias.

    The S & D Event schedule

    Every 2 hours starting 12:30 AM - Server Time // Eg: 0:30 , 02:30 , 04:30 .... 14:30, 16:30 ...
    thefox likes this.
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