felixroaka saying that costea is the only one that hasn`t hack Hypnos telling that he has hack`s It is no possible that they can kill us from one hit.I hited them together with ascetix but they didn`t moved..It`s not possible this :|. I hope that this situation will be solved and they will be punished :|
( +warn) then make fun of you ^^ he he ^^ i think you guys have hacks , speed hacks that`s whi you run away from us so fast we can`t cache you ^^ anyway if any admin wanna belive that (+warn) post of you he can check and see that no one has hack
i cant understand what the SS says, can some1 translate it to english? i am so interesting about this show
+ warn brooklyn for the macho language And guys ... c'mon they just made fun of you geesh can't u see ? 5 guys can't be all stupid to confirm use of hacks Also Hypnos that said to contact him...he sells cheap - lolz he just bought sets so u think someone will through away x00Euros for using hacks ?
Well what can u expect... When u report such a matter, which was obviously a joke... /Closed Edit, GhostDog's reply deleted since it was not in english, totally unnecessary, and topic got reopened by accident so he could reply eventhough topic was intented to be closed...
Seph said what was to be told! this is the 2nd thread about this subject that i am closing!!!.. i will start givin 1 day bans maybe??? just go to sleep, geez