Am si eu o fiecare sw sau kill mi se reseteaza skillurile .Imi puteti sterge si mie skillurile dak nu e prea mare deranjul ? am incercat tot felul de combinatii dar nimic nu merge ( ! imi pare rau k nu am dat postul in engleza dar nu stiu cum sa explic in engleza.Multumesc frumos ,Respect for all...... Account - Hidden Character - killerBK
I think that it can`t be done.Next Time Write In English Or Pm One Of The DiabloMu Staff.Next Time You will be banned.
Sunrise don't be so agressive, the man explained that he doesn't know english, and about the pm , he did pm me in game and i have told him to make a request on forum and he will get his spells cleared , so think before you reply !
It is possible , but no sense to delete 4 skills from bk lol ... sw on srv 1 while adding the kills so you won t get this prob
srry for beeing of topic , but lol sephiro where u got that gif with the rangers , freaking funny - gay rangers )))