Complete Combo Guide - Romanian & English

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Brook, Jan 16, 2009.

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  1. Brook

    Brook Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Romanian Version ::

    Inainte sa faceti combo, trebuie sa faceti quest-ul de la Marlon (trebuie sa fii bk si sa ai cel putin nivelul 220) (Ring of Honor, Dark Stone – pica pe spoturi in arena ! nu trebuie sa ai party cand faci questurile ) (Marlon se teleporteaza in Lorencia – 137:87 / Noria 168 : 89 / Devias 199: 47 / Atlas 16:22)

    Sunt mai multe tipuri de combinatii pentru combo, dupa cum urmeaza:

    1. Skill de Arma, Twisting Slash, Death Stab
    2. Skill de Arma, Rageful Blow, Twisting Slash
    3. Skill de Arma, Twisting Slash, Rageful Blow
    4. Skill de Arma, Rageful Blow, Death Stab
    5. Skill de Arma, Death Stab, Twisting Slash
    6. Skill de Arma, Death Stab, Rageful Blow

    Prima combinatie este cea mai puternica din cauza vitezei cu care se executa. Daca se executa corect, se poate face de 2-3 ori pe secunda.
    Dezavantajul este ca trebuie tinut mousul pe tinta in timp ce executati cele trei skiluri, altfel nu va merge.
    Aceasta combinatie este eficienta impotriva oponentilor care folosesc atacuri ce au range mare, cuma r fi SM, Elf si BK fara combo ce stau nemiscati cand folosesc skil-urile.
    Daca va luptati cu un BK ce foloseste aceasta combinatie, va va fi greu sa tineti apasat butonul drepta de la mouse, cursorul pe tinta si sa schimbati incontinu skilurile datorita miscarii.

    Intai apasati tasta 1, tineti apasat click drepta pe oponent astfel incat bk-ul sa execute skilul de arma.
    Tineti apasat cat doriti. Cand sunteti gata apasati tasta 2 si imediat tasta 3. timpul dintre 2 si 3 trebuie sa fie instant, nu puteti intarzia deoarce combo-ul nu va avea succes.
    rezultatul este acelasi, o explozie albastra si un sunet puternic. Cel mai usor pentru a exersa acest combo este sa rugati pe cineva cu Agilitate si Vitalitate mare sa va ajute sau sa incercati pe Bossul din Kalima. sau pt caracterele incepatoare pe Sea Worms din Arena

    A doua combinatie este folosita de Bk ce stiu sa execute combo dar nu potsa execute destul de rapid prima combinatie din cauza lagului sau pur si simplu nu au experienta necesara.
    Aceasta combinatie e mai inceata si nu necesita sa tineti mouse-ul pe tinta tot timpul.
    Acest combo se executa pe o raza un pic mai mare fata de primul Aceasta combinatie este foarte eficienta cand aveti lag si nu puteti sa schimbati tastele destul de rapid in timpul luptei. Caracterele incepatoare pot exersa pe Sea Worms din Arena

    Intai apasati tasta 1, tineti apasat click drepta pe oponent astfel incat bk-ul sa execute skilul de arma.
    Tineti apasat cat doriti. Cand sunteti gata apasati tasta 2. Acesta va executa Rageful Blow dupa Skilul de Arma.
    In momentul in care vedeti ca pamantul a inceput sa se crape de la skil, imediat apsati tasta 3 pentru a executa Twisting Slash.
    Cand twisting este executat la sfarsit si comboul a fost un succes, trebuie sa vedeti o explozie albastra si sa auziti un sunet puternic.

    A patra combinatie este de fapt o versiune mai inceata a primei combinatii.

    English version ::

    First of all before you can make combo … you need to make combo quest at marlon (you need to be a bk and have at least 220 lvl) (ring of honor then dark stone – drops in arena spots , to make the quest do not use party) (Marlon is teleporting in Lorencia – 137:87 / Noria 168 : 89 / Devias 199: 47 / Atlas 16:22)

    There are more ways to make combo

    1.Weapon skill, Twisting Slash, Death Stab
    2. Weapon skill,, Rageful Blow, Twisting Slash
    3. Weapon skill, Twisting Slash, Rageful Blow
    4. Weapon skill,, Rageful Blow, Death Stab
    5. Weapon skill,, Death Stab, Twisting Slash
    6. Weapon skill,, Death Stab, Rageful Blow

    First combination is the most powerfull because of the speed witch is executed .. if is done right it can be done about 2-3 times in seconds. The disadvantage is that you have to hold the mouse on the target when you do it other wise will not work
    This is very usefull vs SM, Elf or BK how stay still and only use their skills
    If you fight a bk that uses the same combination is very hard to keep up because of the move
    How is it made ?!
    First press button 1 then hold right click on your opponent and when you are ready press button 2 then very very fast button 3 if you succed you should see an blue explosion and a sound . Remember this should be done very very fast … when you have a nub character is easy to try combo on Sea Worms from Arena or someone very strong

    The second combination is use by BK that knows combo but can`t tipe very fast because of lag or lack of experience, this combination is slower and don`t need to point the mouse on the target all the time, this combo has a bigger range of attack

    First press button 1 .. then hold right click on opponent so that you can attack with weapon skill, then when you are ready press button 2 to release ragefull blow skill .. when the earth is cracking from rageful blow then press 3 button for twisting slash .. if the combo si done right you will see an blue explosion and hear a sound when you have a nub character is easy to try combo on Sea Worms from Arena or someone very strong

    The 4 combination is a slower version of the first combination

    i saw that was another combo guide but i think this is more usefull for players that don`t know combo .. hope i got all right .. it is late im tired ... good luck :)
  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    +rep, nice one dude
    zapphood and thefox like this.
  3. Bonus

    Bonus Supporter

    Jan 19, 2009
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    use autocombo ^^
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  4. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    or learn to use it because u won t be able to use even autopot pretty soon ;)
    zapphood and thefox like this.
  5. Bonus

    Bonus Supporter

    Jan 19, 2009
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    you can't because is not a hack program just some algoritm and is made it to pres 1,2,3 so simple but combo is 100% and combo after combo
    zapphood and thefox like this.
  6. Brook

    Brook Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    so what is the point in that ? ^^ what is the fun in cheating? ^^ autocombo is for nubs
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  7. Aaape

    Aaape Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    Yes it is build in autoit script, but it's still considered as a cheat in most of MU servers, among with autopot because it gives the player unfair advantage.
    zapphood and thefox like this.
  8. RustySky

    RustySky Member

    May 20, 2007
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    weeeeeeeee practice makes perfect depends on combo combination+qwer keys=== combo+pots too heheh

    zapphood likes this.
  9. zapphood

    zapphood Member

    Dec 15, 2009
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    very nice
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