balance the server

Discussion in 'Archive' started by zikfrag, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. zikfrag

    zikfrag Member

    Nov 24, 2012
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    hello Gix, not some time I enter the server due some personal problem, and another reason was the ridicule of bks damage, mainly in combos. I went in today and went duel server with 2 rfs that really the damage was reduced, however the damage is so ridiculous that bks could not beat any of them, and both were 20 master level. I went on other servers and hard balanciamento was really sure, AE using multiple shot not beat 300% of base damage and combos as bks had in mu global, for example, I have a lvl 378 bk in global and my combos of 3 sao la damage of 2700, here in the server so I can take 2000 damage hits in combo with edr d. Axo that you should evaluate it as this very unbalanced at this point, and another point archangel sword, which has a ridiculous damage, which does not compare to the real damage from it overall. Axo imlementado that should be the new damage and to put it to get only Selupan, as seen on other servers.
    Please see this as a way to let the server with a pvp balanced and fairer, already a force bk, 67 master with 1149 defense and wing lvl 3 +9, and whose damage is not able to defeat a 459-577 47 ragefighter levels masters below. Do not tell the quantity DD nor my hp that are also quite high.
    Thanks for listening, and please do something for this very unbalanced.
  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Play GMO first then do the ballance yourself. (not ex702, but Season 6 Episode 3 - don't even try to compare these two versions)

    It's not perfect, but it's not ridiculous either so get serious about it. Things are actually pretty ballanced.

    You camed back after no idea how long, you've played who knows where and know you're doing useless comparisons. The issue here is that you are loosing in pvp and you are complaining. I would suggest searching some posts and see all chars have advantages and disadvantages and by introducing lvl5 spheres things look a lot better vs RF. (remember his damage is smaller than on GMO where is a lot more and makes it more powerful, but this is the way webzen designed it's characters, not our way and in this case RF is the highest damage character but has the lowest defence). As long as you know how to PvP and you have a strong equipment there is no doubt you can win against any char.

    Also except the lvl5 spheres and another small damage reduction for RF, nothing has changed since you were inactive so we won't be able to reduce all characters and make BK the king of them all just because you play it. Keep in mind you got the stun skill on your BK which is the major advantage starting with S6EP3 and ex700+ and Terrafrit gave enough explanations on this inside of some threads which you'll find by using search.
  3. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    Let me put it this way so it's easier to understand. RF right now are "unbeatable" in your eyes because they are good in the early stages of mu online. When you gain 20 ML's in PvP defense rate, and gain a socket set with level 5 spheres in it, you can easily win a RF with BK. If you think it's hard with BK, try other classes, it's even worse. To be honest, even when you have that set, it will still be hard. It's true, Webzen made the RF character for money, and are very much overpowered in this season (not so much in next season). But you have to think, wasn't BK always overpowered in the last seasons? Noone complained then, why are people complaining now? Is it because BK are not on the top anymore, so all BK players are complaining? I don't know. Right now you have 10% stun when using mace, next season you will have 23% with a socket mace.

    In this season, a AgiBK can beat a RF because he outrates the RF. The RF will hit the BK 1/10 times, while the BK can combo all he likes. Give it a try, but you must remember, in every type of competitive game with a class based system, or not even class based system for that matter, (Fighting games like street fighter for example) there is always a couple or one that are most used because they are much better.
    Gix likes this.
  4. wild1988

    wild1988 Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    RF will always be hated because everyone can play it and there is no difference between them. And their duels are boring, what you show if duel takes 1 second to kill.
    BK dont need the best set, just need fingers to spam few combos in row. Actually some +15+ddi should be enough and high master level. Be happy that Gix removed the push (or what is it called?) when RF attacks with chain skill.
    If you compare with global, RF there were iceing and pushing player around so it was very hard to do more combo one after another.
    Also counts the connection of opponent vs RF...

    About this server: HP and SD is not reseted after each kill in duel-Arena.
    Gix likes this.
  5. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    HP and SD are reseted only when you die, not per kill. Use "spectator" mode to see it
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