Account name: (Won't be needed anymore) Character name: ScoobyDoo Ammount of resets: 60 + 1 Grand reset Status: NoN - Transfered Character Ammount of DM Coins: 0 Dm Coins In Game + Virtual I Don't Know Item wanted:: Balgass Helm + 13 + reflect 5% + damage decrease 4% thx in advance and more power to DGN team!!
Request not completed due to insufficient DM Coins! Please gather more DM coins in game and vote more! Regards, DiabloMu staff
120 resets doesn`t mean that you have alot of virtual coins next time vote more careffuly to gather dmcoins and find them in the game on dmcoin event with take place on svr 1 lorencia
you have to have 50 dmcoins for grand reset or virtual 50 or in game 50 or virtual + ingame = 50 next time use search and read topics >>
PFFF .. i have 120 resets and taked vote ~~ 50 % = 60 votes .. 60*2 = 120 dm coins ! i no use this COINS its only first request with my virtual coins !!