Discussion in 'Archive' started by paul01, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. paul01

    paul01 Member

    Nov 21, 2012
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    what happend gix want to play with us we hunt a lot of jogs to repair castle and you reboot it 2 times LOST ABOUT 60 JOGS...WE CANT PLAY CASTLE SIEGE LIKE THAT IS UNFAIR FIX IT UNTIL CASTLE SIEGE...OR CANCEL CASTLE SIEGE...
  2. PingPong

    PingPong Member

    Feb 8, 2013
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    I don't think cancelling castle siege would be a good idea. Just play it how it is for now and get it back next week.

    Save JoGs till the start of event now, i think.

  3. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Are you playing stupid with us or what?

    You call us responsable because the hosting company had a downtime issue for about 10 min in over 6 months? Do you really have this insane idea we are GOD or something or that companies never have any issues at all or that hardware lasts forever?

    You are free to find another server if you are stupid enough to blame us for that or cry because you lost statues and gates. What's the big deal after all? They would have been destroyed by attackers within minutes anyway and you're able to play the CS just fine with or w/o it.

    It seems you are forgetting that you are actually playing an online free game where we invest more than we earn and this inclues both money, time and a lot of stress ; you're living it just too much. If i see again this behaviour i will personally kick you out as we're not doing all of this so that a jerk comes in and almost kill himself because he lost cs status and gates which can be destroyed within few minutes by others. GROW UP !

    PS: The only thing we can actually and we agree to do here is refund the used JOGs. Other than that you have to be crazy to act like this for a game so i suggest you go out more often and actually think from our point of view and not only from yours which seems to be totally selfish and unreal.
    Agape and jamescicio like this.
  4. paul01

    paul01 Member

    Nov 21, 2012
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    ok but you think iam crazy your company make reboot to remove dino bug and nova right they can do this one day later ...all my members want to stop the server because a lot of mistakes done what can i say to them i tell to stay to server and is a good server and you want to ban me ok then all good.can you refund us the jogs ?
  5. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    If they want to leave because of that then let them leave. There are plently of low exp servers available there with few online players, ready to take your money and close afterwards so they will come back eventually. No one keeps you here by force, remember that.

    Also, the company haven't rebooted at all, but since it was offline and uplugged we took the oportunity and rebooted anyway so we won't have to do it later today during peak times ; as for dino and nova they were removed hours before with simple options reload but obviously you didn't observed. An important piece of hardware inside the Data Center failed and had to be replaced so obviously multiple machines shuted down by force. If you were never in the hosting industry then next time think before posting. You can't prevent such things and a lot worse case scenarios can happen ; not to mention that hardware replacement usually lasts few hours while they solve it within few min and you wll find such services only on managed hosts that cost atleast and extra $400 /month + the actual service price. Immagine that during the hurricane which took place few months ago, tens of big companies were affected and thounds of servers had outages of hours due to nature itself which was the only thing the clients could through the blame on.

    Also if this server is good why this dramma? Instead of being angry, be supportive. People like you make the owners close their servers eventually. Why? Because they get tired to work for jerks that instead of supporting start crying and threatning, so think about it next time when creating such thread. If you really cannot stand online gaming and you live in a world where you think no harm can happen at all then i suggest you stay away from games. Servers get hacked, loose all data, get numerous outages and downtimes and many more than that. Maybe it's time to feel all of these by playing on other servers and then compare ... i will guarantee you 100% that you will be impressed on how things are actually going here unlike on other servers.

    Also as i remember when a simillar scenario happend you were refunded with the JOGS you have used right? Just PM me with your account and detailed information where the JOGS were used so i can check the logs.
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