Solved Same exp with or without Transformation

Discussion in 'Help Desk' started by ritsard, Jun 17, 2016.

  1. ritsard

    ritsard Member

    Jun 15, 2016
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    So here's the proof since you deleted my previous post regarding to the experience.
    Note: The left side is my EE and it doesn't have a transformation ring, on the other hand my RF has the ring + panda but it doesn't get the bonus 30% exp.
    Both characters have the same level too
    sarkazmas likes this.
  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Now do the test outside the party, tell me what you see and post here the screenshots.
    And why exactly you edit your screenshots?

    PS: no one deleted your post, it's the thread that got closed.
  3. sarkazmas

    sarkazmas Senior Member

    Jun 10, 2016
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    I am in pt with RF, same level, we both have VIP+Master Wealth Seal+Panda+Ring, except I got Seal of Healing which is an extra 50%. So if we get equal exp it would be normal? I wish that was the case, but he is getting less exp. If we were getting same exp as ritsard provided the information, everything would be fine then? I do not understand where is the problem, there is no increase with Ring, you can try anything else, Seals, Pets, it all increase exp in party, except that Ring. So maybe it works in solo mode only? maybe it is bugged in pt and it does not increase? I also have ee in party without buffs, she getting 5-9k exp per mob, while I fully equipped with boosts 40-60k (obviously my level is higher but the fact is that exp differs when there is difference in who has what boosts) I mean its obvious and everyone is complaining but they dont post here because they get answers like these, closed threads...
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2016
    ritsard likes this.
  4. ritsard

    ritsard Member

    Jun 15, 2016
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    There it is, the ring works when you're solo(I just tested it). However, it doesn't increase while in party mode, so that's still a problem that needs to get solved isn't it?
  5. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    It can't work only in solo mode, either it works or it doesn't work at all. Visual bug is discutable but definetly works for both.

    @sarkazmas, I'm pretty sure some of the seals are bound to the character as I've seen such statements on webzen forums, which would be the explanation for your example but definetly rings and some other exp boosts are bound to character but at the same time they also increase the overall party exp rate depending on members, active boosts, etc
  6. ritsard

    ritsard Member

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Sir, even if you remove it the exp remains constant. That's that, it doesn't work at party at all. I can't really say anything else because that's what it is.
    Additionally, with all due respect, why do you guys keep saying visual bug? There's no such a thing once you reach master level. In fact, your master level experience can go up to millions. Exp visual bug only works for normal level (1-400)
  7. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Because this game is full of them and has always been, new seasons not so much as some like exp, dmg, hp bar are fixed but still plenty of visual bugs are left that's why and one of the older for example is the max 65535 (this is the highest number that can be represented by a 16-bit or 2-bytenumber) which started creating numerous visual bugs, no matter if you're mastering or not, haven't you played any of the previous mu seasons?

    I'll get some time hopefully during the weekends if not during the next week and test in a party the ring and pet alone providing screnshots, the worst case scenario is a visual bug as I'll check server-side obtained exp too because there can't be such bug where an exp item works outside the party and doesn't work inside the party.

    EDIT: Checked it and there is indeed a visual bug with the transform ring in party showing it as having 0% effect but on database side it looks good so everything you used so far had the expected result. I can only assume it's because of the different formula of exping in party comparing to solo, and seeing in webzen forums that they also had the 0% visual effect bug with exp boost items in their server while they runned season 8, season 9 and even now on s11 (although we don't have it when it comes to seal as they have) so this is definetly a GUI interface bug just like it was in the official server but the effect does work at the database side. Also keep in mind some of the exp boosts are bound to your character, not everything is shared in party and the output exp depends on all party members, their levels, class, etc. At the same time, mastering is not only different by the given server exp but also by separate game formulas for both party exp and solo exp and the same goes for zen formula in party regardless of the active boosts, unfortunately these info are not made public so there are only assumptions and mistery for this game, besides all kind of visual bugs that it has in all seasons like s9 skill tree exp bug, s11 party display exp bug in certain maps and mostly in acheron while having the map buff, etc. When the visual bugs will be fixed? With time I guess, when we receive new updtes, new episodes/seasons, when webzen will fix them on their client side, however some of them will never be fixed considering the official server still has them after so many years and private servers are just using emulators and the original mu client, so there there is no rewritten game engine by private developers, only some developed dlls injected into the game executable to fix some of the issues and that's all.
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