Eternal MU Server Updates (Season 8 Episode 2)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Gix, Mar 6, 2016.

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  1. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    [x100] [!] Scheduled maintenance has been completed and server updates have been applied
    [x100] [+] Increased jewel of soul success rate to 70% for no-luck items and 90% for items with luck
    [x100][+] Added more spots in atlans and losttowers 1-6
    [x100][+] Increased dark mobs number in raklion to match the original monsters database values used in newer seasons
    RDS, Pad1shah, ishenard and 3 others like this.
  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    [x100] [!] Scheduled maintenance has been completed and server updates have been applied
    [x100] [+] Fixed a recent glitch causing 380 items drop as non-exe inside the imperial event due to an error inside the config files
    [x100] [+] The new golden monsters invasion is now set every 3 hours ; goldens number was adjusted to reflect the changes
    [x100] [+] Reconfigured boxes of kundun +1~+5 by adding medium tier items for even more diversity
    [x100] [+] Reconfigured balgass boss to drop all 380 high end items instead of medium tier ones
    [x100] [+] Increased excellent items success rate obtained from chaos cards
    [x100] [+] Increased excellent items luck rate obtained from chaos cards
    [x100] [+] Increased chance of obtaining fenrir from chaos card gold
  3. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    [x100] [+] Since the game doesn't allow for the drop chance of erohim boss to be modified without adding junk items inside the eventbag, we'll leave it just as before and increase attributes instead
    [x100] [+] Increased hp and defence for the end boss of lorendeep to balance it's instant multi-respawn time ; we will continue to observe this event and make adjustments if needed
    [x100] [+] Erohim will spawn in the last 5 minutes during the lorendeep event ; requires testing so make sure to report if it doesn't happen so
    Last edited: May 19, 2016
    Jukato likes this.
  4. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    [x100] [!] Scheduled maintenance has been completed and server updates have been applied
    [x100] [+] Increased drop rate of items with 2 excellent options for all event rewards
    [x100] [+] Increased socket slots count rate for all socketed items including two handed socketed weapons
    [x100] [+] Increased experience by +20% in Blood Castle, Devil Square and Loren Deep together with a slight improvement of exc items drop rate
    [x100] [-] Removed jewels from boxes of kundun as they have been reconfigured in our previous update and contain more items
    [x100] [+] Added MUPoint reward for killing white wizard
    [x100] [+] Added two extra rounds to the drop event
    [x100] [+] Reconfigured lucky coins exchange reward and removed non-exc items (do not use the register lucky coins button, they can only be exchanged in pairs of 10/20/30)
    [x100] [+] Kundun respawn time reduced to 8 hours instead of 12
    [x100] [+] Nightmare event reconfigured: maya hands will drop 4 medium-high exc items and nightmare boss will drop 380 exc items with up to two options
    [x100] [+] Crywolf event will run every day from now on at 8:30 and 20:30 server time
    [x100] [+] Crywolf darkelf mini bosses will drop medium-high exc items while balgass continues to drop 380 exc items with up to two options
    [x100] [+] Increased senior mix rate for excellent 380 items
    [x100] [+] Added tier 2 socketed sets to medusa items drop list
    [x100] [+] Selupan reconfigured: added all tier 2 socketed sets to the drop list, high exc items and chance of obtaining 380 exc items
    [x100] [+] Pvp is currently disabled in several event maps (only the boss zone, not the areas before it) such as Blood Castle, Devil Squre, Hatchery, etc ; decision is not final and may be reverted anytime
    [x100] [+] Fixed spots icon not being displayed on svr12 minimap (TAB) for high level maps such as karutan, relics, lacleon, swamp
    FaLci, Grim, Kamui and 3 others like this.
  5. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    [x10] [+] A new server (subserver) has been opened since the market server got full multiple times today. This server will also host Arca War Event and the new CC Surival of the Fittest event
    [x10] [+] Several corrections made regarding the automatic informative global messages due to large phrases and time sync
    Grim likes this.
  6. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    [x10] [!] Scheduled maintenance has been completed and server updates have been applied
    [x10] [+] Fixed a rare crash scenario related to cherryblossom mix
    [x10] [+] Fixed lorencia pvp ring
    [x10] [+] Fixed box of heaven drop
    [x10] [+] Enabled heart of love and firecracker drop
    [x10] [+] Reduced refuge dark elf hp to make 3rd quest a bit easier as players seem to rush on max level by leaving equipment strategy aside
    [x10] [+] Keep in mind that refuge dark elf has a lower respawn time than the default value so you won't need to wait hours for his respawn if someone already killed it

    [x100] [!] Scheduled maintenance has been completed and server updates have been applied
    [x100] [+] Fixed lorencia pvp ring
    [x100] [+] Fixed box of heaven drop
    [x100] [+] Enabled heart of love and firecracker drop
    [x100] [+] Corrected new golden monsters attributes (hp/defence/attack) to match their rewards
    ishenard and Vigant like this.
  7. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    [x10] [+] Corrected greater fortitude skill calculation formula
    [x10] [+] Corrected soul barrier skill calculation formula
  8. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    [x100] [!] Short maintenance has been completed and server updates have been applied
    [x100] [+] Fixed a rare crash scenario related to cherryblossom mix
    [x100] [+] Reconfigured firecracker, heart of love, silver medal and gold medal so they drop the missing parts of non-exc sets
    [x100] [+] Improved chaos card gold mix rate for medium and high tier items with 2 exc options as it was set too low
    [x100] [+] Improved chaos cards mix by removing single jewels unworthy reward and replacing them with bundle of jewels instead
    Ancalag0n, Vigant and Kr1d like this.
  9. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    [x10] [+] Corrected berserker skill calculation formula and fixed divizor values to match the exact retail configuration
    [x10] [+] Fixed elemental system issues causing incorrect damage against acheron bosses and arca war event bosses by making them unkillable
    [x10] [+] Corrected acheron monsters slow respawn time attribute, all of them shall respawn as default now (10sec) so make sure to search for those mini spots
    [x10] [+] Increased all elemental items drop rate, elixir and mithril fragments included ; you will love the new settings as they make hunting much easier and pentagrams more popular
    [x10] [+] Increased all golden monsters number, you will love it as every invasion has even more goldens now and more chances for all of you to hunt them
    [x10] [+] Castle Siege registrations are now available, visit npc guard in Valley Of Loren, the first official siege battle will be held on Sunday 16:00 server time (3:00 PM UTC+0)

    [x100] [!] We had to perform an unplanned reboot over subserver 2 as it glitched due to a faulty configuration upon reloading some of the new changes, it's all fixed now and svr2 is back online
    [x100] [+] Fixed elemental system issues causing incorrect damage against acheron bosses and arca war event bosses by making them unkillable
    [x100] [+] Corrected acheron monsters slow respawn time attribute, all of them shall respawn as default now (10sec) so make sure to search for those mini spots
    [x100] [+] Increased all elemental items drop rate, elixir and mithril fragments included ; you will love the new settings as they make hunting much easier and pentagrams more popular
    [x100] [+] Increased all golden monsters number, you will love it as every invasion has even more goldens now and more chances for all of you to hunt them
    [x100] [+] Pentagram pvp damage buff ; pentagrams are useless in a reset server but not anymore, not here, as we buffed the elemental damage from regular 200 - 400 dmg to 1500 - 3000 damage
    Ezekiel, sarkazmas, Unigoat and 4 others like this.
  10. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    [x10] [!] Subserver 12 has been rebooted today so we could apply the missing cherrymix fix ; srv2 already contains the fix since the day this issue was reported
    [x10] [!] Below updates are currently being applied only on subserver 12, until subserver 2 will be rebooted as well
    [x10] [+] Reconfigured firecracker, heart of love, silver medal and gold medal so they drop the missing parts of non-exc sets
    [x10] [+] Improved chaos card gold mix rate for medium and high tier items with 2 exc options as it was set too low
    [x10] [+] Improved chaos cards mix by removing single jewels unworthy reward and replacing them with bundle of jewels instead
    sarkazmas likes this.
  11. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    [x10] [+] Hero monsters added back in vulcanus
    [x10] [+] Slight number increase of normal monsters in vulcanus

    [x100] [!] Fixed medusa boss not respawning after the last monsters database reload, however this is only a temporary fix until next server reboot
    [x100] [!] Medusa is currently bugged due to modifying some drop content based on suggestions which is why some features are best to be left untouched, it will be reverted on next reboot
  12. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    [x10] [+] We performed a short reboot of subserver12 in order to increase players slots capacity as the server was getting full often lately
    Unigoat likes this.
  13. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    [x10] [!] Short maintenance has been completed and server updates have been applied ; some of the updates were already active on subserver12 but not on subserver2
    [x10] [!] HH event has been temporarily set set +1 hour so the reboot won't affect the increased exp rate, it will be set back to regular 17:00 server time in a couple days , once we reload settings again
    [x10] [+] Reconfigured firecracker, heart of love, silver medal and gold medal so they drop the missing parts of non-exc sets
    [x10] [+] Improved chaos card gold mix rate for medium and high tier items with 2 exc options as it was set too low
    [x10] [+] Improved chaos cards mix by removing single jewels unworthy reward and replacing them with bundle of jewels instead
    [x10] [+] Added chance to obtain 380 level weapons from cherry blossom mix like we used to have before we corrected a glitch with this npc ; enjoy the extra opportunity
    Barachiel likes this.
  14. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    [x10] [!] The afternoon happy hour event start time is set back to normal as we reloaded the settings today
    [x10] [+] Increased summoner weakness skill time (ml skill included) since both skills are using a fixed divizor rate ; time will depend on your energy stats
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