Solved Dungeon Race Event

Discussion in 'Help Desk' started by Sasuke, Apr 12, 2016.

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  1. Sasuke

    Sasuke Member

    Jan 6, 2013
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    Hi there,

    I ran into some problems today and I was not sure where to post this under, hopefully this is the correct thread. I just wanted to report an incident where I was PK-ed earlier today by a player while participating in the Dungeon Race Event. Prior to the race, he told me to move to the other server or "PK after". The screenshot speaks for itself, and I was PK-ed by Sm0uke when I went into the dungeon, automatically disqualifying me from the race.

    I just want to check, is this supposed to be the case? That PK is allowed for a race event. If this was the case, it'd be unfair for newer players as it'd be a race on stats rather than a race to D3, in my opinion. My suggestion here would be to make this a non-pvp event. Would love to hear your opinion.

    Have a good day!

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  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Wrong section but moved it to Help Desk.

    The event is a non-pvp one however the entrance coordinates were not and we had to add a setting for that and made it non-pvp few weeks ago. The screenshot doesn't show the exact moment of the PK so you would have to print the exact location for us to check this and see what was wrong and mention the server you were connected to.

    Next time make sure to print the right coordinates or atleast remember and report them to us, as for @Sm0uker, if this happens again you are eligible for temporarily character suspension, this event is not individual to threat others to switch servers otherwise they'll get pked.
  3. Sasuke

    Sasuke Member

    Jan 6, 2013
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    Hi Gix,

    Thanks for the help. I just want to add that the area of PK was inside dungeon1 (entrance) where the ice mobs are spawned. Unfortunately, I don't have screenshots for that (I wasn't preparing to screenshot being killed). The server which this incident occurred is in s-12 and the time around which it happened was server time approx 06:20 am, 12 Apr 2016.

    Thanks for your help and hope to hear about any updates or changes!
  4. Sm0uker

    Sm0uker Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    ok ill take it in consideration but! what happens if hes DL nad has a horse he win 1000% same for fenrir users! those who have nothing have no chance and i've seen people staying almost at all races with fenrir or dark horse and getting every win as u said this event is not individually (as it happens for those fenrir/horse users) ! so pls make everything fair without pets and no matter your stats then !
  5. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    You cannot limit the game from using using pets/wings during an event otherwise coders would have done it so don't try to use this as an excuse for your actions. The event works as it's supposed and if a fenrir/horse gives you more chances then get one otherwise don't disturb the other participants.
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