Solved MG damage

Discussion in 'Help Desk' started by Shameless, Mar 29, 2016.

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  1. Shameless

    Shameless Active Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I know somewhere it was already said that MG dmg is so low etc and so on.

    There are some things that in my opinion ( I can be wrong) doesn't work properly. Mainly is damage issues. The first basic question is if energy on somehow scales with skill damage (it supposed to, but doesn't seem to work propotionally) ?

    Next thing is eMG makes more damage than sMG. And what I mean is I tried a lot of builds and so on and son. Pure eMG makes the most damage. I've never seen it that before in my previous servers/games. Is it as it supposed to be?

    Last thing. Let's take a random example on mobs. Now with 10k str and lets say it 4k eng I hit 12k on arena mobs. So if I max my str and put like 12k on ene I will make 36k. Of course it is just an approximately counting but it seems too low even for MG comparing to other chars.

    I know that items, build and so on and son makes a lot of sense. But the difference is relatively high.

    Oh and now truly a last thing. With 1k str and 10k ene I make almost the same damage with twisting slash/power slash as with gigantic storm.

    I hope you guys got the point. It would be a bit sad if you say that everything is fine. I know that MG is considered as the weakest char but still with proper build and items he must be an opponent for all.

    I will wait for the answers

    Leonardo likes this.
  2. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    Characters damage formula are following the exact original settings (same as retail), the previous servers you played might have either modified classes builds, it was bugged and they had no server side options to change it accordingly or they just don't know how it works and I wouldn't be surprised as most owners running mu servers don't have much of an experience with the original game. Just like in most mu resets servers you must get maxed first to reach the maximum character potential and then we can then talk on this subject and apply some boost if needed.

    It's normal for the eMG to have the most pvm damage as it's the best build for a KS-er (always was) while the sMG is good for decreasing enemy defence or if you look for a higher attack speed you should then go for aMG. Energy attribute does increase the skill damage and works as intended by following the original ratio. Here are some reference links for MG builds but don't blindly follow them as some are just opinions while others apply more to the non-reset concept.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
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  3. Leonardo

    Leonardo Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    I think Ezekiel is right about this. It is kind of pointless to introduce any tweaks without testing chars pvp wise on full stats.

    But to summarize the point of the few MGs that still play I think it is just really hard for us to level up. On 1gr 10 rr I still get rekt on good spots in lacleon and exp slower because of really low dmg output. It all comes down to the fact that currently all of us get rekt and is hard to leve to max stat.. so maybe in the future some mgs will have it good when the buff is introduced but for now.. it's a sad story to try exp as mg here. And to support what shame said, I was never so owned as mg as here.

    There isn't a lot MGs playing so I wanted to throw in my word.
    Kr1d likes this.
  4. Shameless

    Shameless Active Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Leonardo has a point.
    Leonardo likes this.
  5. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    1. The exact same subject has been covered into the other opened thread and it's been mentioned that you have to get maxed first (you have ~15k total stats), some classes are weaker on lower resets than the others, this is the way it is when you are playing RR servers and MG has always been mainly a lvling character. If you played on some other random RR servers and you felt it it different it's because MG might have been modified by time and on a later day but most servers are simillar on lower resets value and you will feel it this way especially if the server burns stats as this is related to the game limits itself considering it was never build for the rebirth system.

    Still, we will perform some tests on our test server during the next days and we'll discuss about upping the pvm damage formula, won't be instantly applied in this moment as we don't want it to become overpowered either.

    2. You don't compare characters builds with other servers, you compare it with the original game. People are getting confused so many times because many private servers may use wrong settings and some got no idea of what they are doing so people think that's how the game works when it's not. In your case, you should knew that the Energy MG build is the best build for ksing which means the servers you played on were modified or their settings sucked and your damage example with the arena spots is wrong.

    Beware that nowdays some owners are opening mu servers one after another for money alone so you may think it's a different server when infact it's the same one with the same owner and the same wrong settings just using another name. It's sad but true and don't forget when talking about the pvm damage, don't compare it to the pvp one as they use different formulas and remember values over 65535 are visually reseted in most clients before the S9.

    I'll check with Ezekiel the results of our tests and see if we need to apply some changes over the pvm damage as with our server files we are able to modify the pvm damage separately from the pvp one.
    Leonardo and Terrorist like this.
  6. Shameless

    Shameless Active Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    That's all we ask. Thanks. Let us know your test reuslts afterwards. :)
    Gix likes this.
  7. Leonardo

    Leonardo Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Im really happy to hear that :)
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