Hi have someone got any Loch´s Feather lately? I have been afk in Icarus for 1week and i haven´t got any drop same for my friend.
maybe drop was reset along with the soldier town buff? i know it probably isn't but could be something for admin to check
I also had some suspisios about feather and condor drop. It seems that all about that "random" condor drop, looks like it doesnt drop anymore.
Well, MU it's a game that rarely gets rebooted so every reload being options or monsters usually influence the ingame things directly. By reloading monsters, they get doubled inside some events and get back to normal after being killed, rates may be slighty increasd as well and so on. Most server files and especially old versions didn't allowed reload options and a complete reboot was required. A reboot usually has to be done weekly but we all know that MU players complain a lot even for a 1 sec of downtime ... I've reloaded settings so let me know (obviously don't expect for lods of feathers)
What Hopium said ^^ : Good to hear dirken as received confirmation from others that everything is fine now. Probably something messed up while rebooting the entire dedi, even though it has no logical sense, but reloading opts solved this.