Hello , and welcome to blizzard mu, my name is PureSoul and I am the proud guild master of Legends , I'm looking to take down rebels and any new members would be great. English is required but even a small amount is enough. Also please read this topic MU Online Castle Siege Member Rules are : 1) don't pk members/alliace 2) don't ks members/alliance 3) be present during castle siege 4) and respect blizzard rules and don't swear in guild Alliance rules : Land of trial division on 3 zone ( Green zone , yellow zone and red zone) depending on the amount of time we have in land of trial , each guild will get access 3 days to each zone. Day 1 = green zone (Legends) , Yellow zone (alliance #2) , red zone (alliance # 3). after 3 days green zone = ( alliance # 4) , yellow zone = (alliance #5) and red zone (alliance # 3). and so on. PM me in game : PureSoul Have a great day !
We are registered for our first castle siege on 02.12.2012 . We enter the last month of castle siege's for this year ^_^. I came here to ask all the members to come to valley of loren and attack rebels on Sunday 02.12.2012 the time 19:00 gmt+2 , doesn't matter if you are level 100-150-200-300-400 , be there . For the lower level class , please use skills such as ICE or Sleep ^^. Be there !
Rules for land of trial. Alliance rules 1) Member must respect time and date for their zone. There will be 2 zone , Green and Yellow which shall be divided between the 2 guilds . Red zone is a free zone that anyone can go there and make exp. 2) If another guild member is on the wrong land of trial zone , i ask that you take a screen shot in game & screen shot of your desktop so i can see time and date. 3) Items are sold in guild or out of guild as you guys wish , there is no freebies to be handed out unless you want to . 4) Anyone who is pking random members excessivley for no reason will be kicked no warning. 5) All Jewels of Guardian are give to DeathBoY, FOX4 , General ( NICETEAM ) or PureSoul,KoSh,Twilight (Legends). 6) English will be spoken in alliance ! Legends and NICETEAM guild rules 1) We do not ks each other ( Same guild members) / ask for party . ks will not be tolerated. 2) We do not pk members in the same guild . pk will not be tolerated. 3) English in guild! Division of land of trial Green zone : Legends : Sunday 21:00 gmt +2 -00 : 00 gmt +2 , Monday 03.12.2012, Tuesday 04.12.2012. Wednesday 05.12.2012, Thursday untill 07:00 am. NICETEAM: Thursday 07:00 am gmt +2 , Friday 06.12.2012, Saturday 07.12.2012, Sunday untill 09:00 am gmt+2. Yellow zone: NICETEAM : Sunday 21:00 - 00 :00gmt +2, Monday 03.12.2012, Tuesday 04.12.2012. Wednesday 05.12.2012, Thursday untill 07:00 am. Legends : Thursday 07:00 am gmt +2 , Friday 06.12.2012, Saturday 07.12.2012, Sunday untill 09:00 am gmt+2. Time is calculated fair for everyone ! And please respect the rules. I add the screen shot for lot division. http://i.imgur.com/BxCFb.jpg
Ok so we are back !! Currently we are formed of an alliance with polish members. Rules are the same. Mail Me in game : PureSoul or IamLegend
Very nice.. just got my Forum account.. tought ill be active here in forums the same as in game.. =) lol.. how are you guys.. hi Agap3. =