Season 3 Episode 2

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Anthoney12, Feb 23, 2012.

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  1. Anthoney12

    Anthoney12 The Childish One Supporter

    Sep 16, 2008
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    we don't want no more then season 4 i no the last season 4 was bugged but if us as players help gm out we can get all the bugs fixed an server running smoothly
    NightBlue likes this.
  2. Frost3

    Frost3 Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    every serv has their own problems, our too. But the only problem now is, that most players are bored of watching 24/7 the same spot, the same moobs, the same events.

    As i know, already Admin has thought about S4, but i don't know why the Idea has stoped :(

    Our guild members are going away, i think some of others @ are loosing they players too.

    I don't wanna to see black, but in a month 50% of today players want be playing any more.

    "prevention is better than cure" like we say in Poland
    Anthoney12 and NightBlue like this.
  3. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Read this again.

    Also i never thought on Season 4.

    @NightBlue, you probably played on another server. The only bugged season was Season5 and only in the begining. Except that we probably had and still have one of the most clean server files from all private servers and most professional configurated.

    Also, F.O items won't bring back donators as they are already back since the first day of this db + it will make most ppl avoid the server as everything will be unballanced.
    Making 3 servers when 2 are more than enough for now is again not recommended.
    Custom items imballance things such as pvp, etc and imagine they need to be added manually on each season and trust me that is a hell of a work. Still most players avoid servers that have custom items because it simply ruins the gameplay.

    @Frost3 "that most players are bored of watching 24/7 the same spot, the same moobs, the same events"

    This happens to any server and any season. Same did with S4, S5 and Season6. it's the same for all seasons just because you guys always rush to full stats and think this is only the game objective forgetting about what counts: gameplay.

    There is grand reset so enough to spend time on resets

    Everyone is a fan of Season3 and it's the peak version of MU. Starting summoner version, MU has fallen.

    Most popular servers are running on lower versions and i'm not reffering to 9999x that they are online today and gone tomorrow.

    How not to get bored? How about doing some guildwar, battlesoccer, pk, etc ? Thats why you get bored, because resets is the only purpose for some of you and this shouldn't happen.

    If those players that are leaving hunt for full stats and nothing more they will always do that and we simply won't change seasons and wipe everytime some players stay online 24/7, get full stats and then get bored. If they like resets, grand reset is the key

    There will be no further discussions over this subject. When time will come we'll discuss together and discuss all aspects, but not now as it's too early.
    saxobeat, eXistenZ, StoneCold and 3 others like this.
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