Bugged Helper....

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kratos, Jan 25, 2012.

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  1. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    He doesn't help... he attacks instead...kills low level naabies that show up




    and another thing...can you please look at mobs attack rate in raklion....i have about 900 defense and 1500+ defense rate and am still getting 1 hit ko with 1k+ hp...this shouldn't be happening
  2. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    wow , mozzie is back at blizzard although his wings were from dupped items ^^ . Fail !
  3. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    First off...you don't need to post here...nothing about this report is about you...so STFU and just leave already...'

    2nd off...(offtopic of report) they were made without duped items so again STFU and just leave already
  4. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Duper Duper Duper :>
  5. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    sephi or some other forum mod ban him already...all he does is spam my threads and try to create flame wars

    @james...grow up and grow a pair
  6. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    i thought you quit ^^ . but seems you're a liar :X . Adam Adam adam nice sets you got going there , easy when you have duped jewels ^^ :X
  7. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    really james...

    1) when did i say i quit?
    2) i never duped
    3) just because you got mad and deleted your characters to try and get free items from sephi doesn't mean you still need to stick around just to be an ass

    4)quit replying to this thread...you have no reason to!
  8. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    you said you quit bcoz of duping and loss of wings . Everybody knows it , and fyi i still did not delete my chars EVER ;), you never duped but your wings were made in a guild in which there were dupers and all cotributed with items to make them , the main idea is that you got away with it .
    You know what sephi , how about you give me back godess lvl 400 , puresoul 400 lvl 10 ml ,and god of war 380 , since i did not delete them and kramer seems to have problems with his char , how about that ?
    See i still prove a point that regular players here don't get anything , just like lucid left and his wife .
    i'll come back and play , sephiroth Godess = vine set +13+L+28. godofwar = hyon set +9 dp armor pants +9+dd , puresoul = gvs +13+L+28+pvp , 3 anubis pieces +9 , and gs armor pants gloves and boots +11+dd , black fenrir , 1 whole vault of gems -.- so much stuff i had ^^.
    Just saying , i won't receive them crap back . But at least i told the gm about dupe in game , and you know what i got ? A big ban -.- . Xwolf duped , and alcehmist duped = your wings are duped .
    So keep barking .
  9. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    again i didn't make the wings but i gave the jewels, ancient, exc, and condor stone to make it so i'm sure it wasn't made from duped items...

    and was all that stuff you got legally got...i.e. getting the jewels from your specific looting that you were caught using several times, the whole vaule of gems also from looting illegally...and don't bring back up that i said i wouldn't report...because even if i said it...i still did report you didn't i?...so quit being such a hypocrite and crazy around here...you deleted your stuff or someone got in and deleted them because i highly doubt sephi would delete them just to get rid of you...so
  10. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    -.- , only me and my brother know the account darling. And as you know exc items come from bok , and jewels from chaos castle , don't deny that .

    I did not delete my chars, i would like them back -.- for castle siege fun .
    I still believe that sephiroth deleted them , since i just woke up with all the accounts gone O.O and no explanation . just sephiroth saying crap that i deleted them . How can you delete a lvl 400 master lvl char ? -.- i think the game doesnt allow it.
  11. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    -.- , only me and my brother know the account darling. And as you know exc items come from bok , and jewels from chaos castle , don't deny that .

    I did not delete my chars, i would like them back -.- for castle siege fun .
    I still believe that sephiroth deleted them , since i just woke up with all the accounts gone O.O and no explanation . just sephiroth saying crap that i deleted them . How can you delete a lvl 400 master lvl char ? -.- i think the game doesnt allow it.
  12. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    you're right game shouldn't allow it but it does for some reason...

    i highly doubt that sephi deleted your account because if he did and it got out with proof that he did...then it would ruin his reputation and the servers reputation as being non-corrupt...so in my opinion only two other options are available...

    1) you or your brother deleted the characters
    2) someone figured out your account or hacked it and deleted them

    but enough of offtopic...

    sephi anything about the helper bug?
  13. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    david can come and let you know that he did not delete any character , let's be serious . I reported the problem in forum if you remember , and sephiroth didn't care about it.

    You know what's funny , that even my vaults were empty , all the chars were deleted .
    lvl 400 , ml 10 grand master deleted by me or my brother?
    Hacking on blizzard? isn't that tracable and punishable ?
    i never realized it , but lucid is right ultimately ,sephiroth never cared about his players.
    kramer had his chars deleted even now its deleted , but i await sephiroth to come and tell me that he deleted the chars ,the non corrupt admin.
  14. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @I noticed that too kratos. Weird thing is that i've disabled it but probably i have restored the MSB recent and thats why it reappeared. Gonna disable it back right now since it has no use even on the official server.


    KraMer had his chars deleted twice and not because of a bug or anything simillar. Since he shared his account it's obvious what happend.

    As for you, i really don't care if you believe it or not. I've already told that i have no interest in deleting any of your chars and if you would use that little brain for once you could realize that.

    If i wanted to do that i could have done it when you first acted like a real jerk which i didn't. Unfortunately i even cared about scumbags like you thing wich you are right... i should have never did. Kids like you do not deserve to play here ... the max exp servers or low exp created for money and where admins give items to friends are perfect for you.

    Being non-corrupted is a hard thing to believe but as long as i know this myself i really don't care about other opinions, especially yours. I'll simply do my best

    Oh and if i didn';t cared about the players i wouldn't have solved the "dupe bug" which you knew of it already and ban those involved and deleting duped items.

    You are accusing like a fool just because you lost everything like a fool and i'm still sure you or your friend deleted own chars just because you started to cry like babies. Sad ppl usually do this often ... deleting their cars and having regrets after that.
    ( btw i have deleted 2-3 characters that were involved in duping but as you already know this is after you deleted your own chars :) )

    PS: Who could ever trust a person like you after all the stupid things you've done? I even can remember you and your friend having a stupid chat on server and being so proud that you could take advantage of the dupe bug. Too bad it didn't harmed anyone at all except you :)

    You're still the same pathetic kid, but i can understand that

    PS2: You weren't permanent banned even when you advertised another server so for the first time try and think if i really had any reason of deleting your little lame characters especially since i really have nothing to gain if i hide such thing or not. If i were the one that deleted them i would gladly say it since i am taking the ultimate decisions here and i can give no explanation.

    It's hard, i know that but try and THINK :)

    Oh ... next accusation without any proofs will lead to permanent ban for you this time James.

    Not to forget that I am ashamed of ppl from my own country that are like you. That's the main reason this network will never be a national one but an international. I rather preffer to select the RO ppl that join here and except you and maybe 2-3 others I'm glad i realized to do such a perfect selection among the players and pick an average age of 25y+ up to 40years+. I suppose you're under 20 so most of your own young generation will always fail.

    Oh not to forget

    I've tried to compare the latest muengine files and if you would look on some servers that use those files even the high exp and low exp ones you'll be amazed how bugged can some files that cost 500$ be. Explosions of bugs, exploits, etc that eventually will lead to tons of banned accounts because as we already know ppl rather take advantage and get banned than being fair. So i'm sure you've tried some low exp servers already james since i saw you moved from one to another and i suppose you realized what bugged servers mean :) As for multivault, the bug showed up from the last update and such feature will always represent a risk but which can be logged really easily and lead to banned players and suffering from your side :)
    Kratos and KilluaYoukai like this.
  15. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Since you were banned but i'm sure you will see this james, you are allowed to test yourself that deleting a high level character works. Seasons and server files including settings are different on each version/season. Sharing accounts and deleting chars just because you can't stand an online mmorpg competition is not recommended.

    And just to prove you because i don't make false statements as you do without proofs here you go:


    Hard to believe that fair and non corrupted owners exists right? I know that but the thing is i've done everything possible to prove that and some of you still got their eyes closed because of being so selfish. As i've said, the most important is my own trust since i am already aware there will always be ppl that will trust in my and my actions and ppl who won't.

    And no, your words from the thread that i have deleted and lead to your ban are less than useless to me. I gave you too many chances and i was too kind while you simply don't deserve this from me as you could never appreciate things done around here and you always contradicted yourself. There is no "we" here since that "we" dissapeared from the moment you started to act like a jerk with everyone around.

    I shouldn't even give you so many explanations but thats me, i care too much about everything. One day you will realize what is the difference between someone that does care about everything of what he is doing and someone that does this just for money and will stop as soon as he gets bored or simply when he wants more money by closing everything and opening under a new name.

    Oh ... we'll reach 1 year online in february. Can't blieve it's been already 1 year since we launched ... time flies when i'm enjoying making a place safe to play for ppl.
    Kratos likes this.
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