KS King = liviusm

Discussion in 'Archive' started by PussyCat, Dec 2, 2011.

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  1. PussyCat

    PussyCat Member

    Dec 2, 2007
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    This guy must love his ES (evil spirits) so much that it pains him to see others in the genocider spot other than him. It must be killing him specially to see an elf in this spot. What he does is pop up from nowhere and will start to es as if no one is there. Not even a hi or hello much more be respectful and considerate to ask for party if ever someone is in the spot already. I have a collection of screenshots of him ksing in our spot. Few times I just don't bother reporting but this like the -nth time and he needs to be disciplined.

    Below are screenshots of his ksing habit.




    A different time when my elf was alone.



    I have to take the sm just so I can have exp. He was eating all my exp since elf's damage is not as wide as es.


  2. PussyCat

    PussyCat Member

    Dec 2, 2007
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    The first few screenshots you can see he is standing by the entrance of the cage. The es is wide and he was still killing half of the mobs. The last few screenshots he was inside the cage.
  3. Scudhawk

    Scudhawk Member

    Sep 17, 2008
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    As much as I'd like to punish this player since it will be his 3rd recorded offense, you don't have the guild tab open to verify the server or the alone shot. I can't bend the rules even if I know he's guilty. :(

    P.S. I will give you however, that he is one of the KS King's of the server. :tongue:
  4. Redemption

    Redemption Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    In the future please take in consideration the above report rule.It is very simple and only 3 SS are required.You don`t need to do XXXXX SS because you destroy you`re PRINT SCREEN button and give us some extra work to check all the XXXX SS
    Palazar likes this.
  5. Palazar

    Palazar Member

    Dec 23, 2008
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    Rhyzzhy, read this http://forum.gamefobia.com/showthread.php?t=390374 topic please.

    Some people go away when you ask them, but there are some that behave very arrogantly. I remember when I was not in a guild, how some people mocked me, because they knew I can't make a proper report and they can get away with KSing me.
  6. PussyCat

    PussyCat Member

    Dec 2, 2007
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    With all due respect, I don't like the way you are talking here. First, I am not the one who is ksing in this report and for some reason it sounds like I am the one who disobey the rule. Secondly, 3 SS is the requirement but I can take as many as I want to prove my case and to make it strong. I know it won't destroy my keyboard. Lastly, checking a few extra XXXX SS won't make you sweat as a moderator.

    Thank you Sir Scudhawk. I understand what you mean about following reporting rules. However, reasons and conscience will tell anyone that my screenshots are enough proof that liviusm was indeed ksing. Hence, he was standing in the entrance of the gate because he knew someone was inside. I have to ask permission from Lordboots if I can use the screenshots he took in this incident since he was there with us.
  7. PussyCat

    PussyCat Member

    Dec 2, 2007
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    Here is Lordboots SS. We have been in that spot for 3 days straight so I don't have a solo or no ks SS on that very day.


  8. Scudhawk

    Scudhawk Member

    Sep 17, 2008
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    Well since there's some inconsistencies in the date, I will send him an in-game warning and move him to lorencia if he is still ksing right now. Normally I wouldn't do this but I happened to have gone by that spot 3 times that day and saw your party there. Also knowing that this player consistently does this.
  9. PussyCat

    PussyCat Member

    Dec 2, 2007
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    Thank you for your time. A part of me wants to fight for this case and would like to hear what Sir Sephiroth thinks of this. It is disheartening to know liviusm is not punished just because I lack one SS. It is like everybody knows he did it, everybody saw what he did but oppss sorry we forgot to take the picture. The SS that I lack which is to show that indeed we have the spot before he came to ks is not in question here because we know it was our spot and that we have been there. Otherwise we won't be asking him to leave or ask him to join our party or he wont be standing by the entrance. The other SS proved what the 1st SS is required.

    However, I will be dropping this off with heavy heart. I can imagine liviusm laughing at me for I placed myself in the hotspot instead. Looks like my lack of SS is the one on trial instead of the offender.

    With all due respect, thank you for hearing my case.

    To liviusm, you might be reading this thread. Please stop ksing us. This maybe a game but think that you are causing someone pain and burden aside from the insult and disrespect you show me.

    Have fun and more power to DiabloMu.
  10. Scudhawk

    Scudhawk Member

    Sep 17, 2008
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    I know what you're saying. I'd like to make an exception but then other players would expect the same thing. I can't always vouche for the other reports like this one. The good news is with players who constantly KS, they will always do it again and I'll be waiting. :diablo:
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