Hmm im studying economist... im not sure but i hc a little suggestion to solve our BIG problem of overpriced items.... as i see jwl drop is too big against X drop and anc items droping on serv... i see few ideas that could solve our problem.. Some fusions: 1. Make jwl drop a bit lower and X drop a bit higher and open LoT for 1 - 3 monts to public then ancients and wings price will go down same as X. 2. Make jwl drop a bit lower and X drop a bit higher and make Condor Feather on normal drop in refuge same as condor stone. 3.make a bit lower jwl drop and make a bit more "fullfile" not X items on drop specially s4. 4.Atleast server wipe (i dnt want it ^^ as other ppll also^^) Thats my fusions for now maybe i will think about more of it... ofc its only suggestion from my side. I think this problem is huge cause it can make dissaster on server - server R.I.P. why? Cause ppl wont play here ... thay wont be able to buy anything... let see for example im new player i hv already 10rr (with big lk) i droped 70 jwls... some time ago he would be able to buy leather +11 / 13 +LK+DSR today he isn able to buy even +9+lk+DSr ;/... so he wont play.. he will go on. That things discourages new ppl on server (without transfering from other server). i Hope some1 from MU staff will take a look on it. Thanks for help.
It'll discourage only the lazy ppl who are too lazy to hunt for their own set (Which can be easily collected from stars and so on), but yeah, tha inflation is high.. Although as long as we'll have castle (Not for long from what I can tell), LOT will be opened to public 24/7, as it is right now.
Big thanks in helping but w8 for Seph answer if other pices of fusion wnt be made it wont help so much.. but i hope atleast prices of wings will go down.
Yeah, 70 jewel for ancient, wtf ? 0.o.... Old days u could buy BK lvl 3 wings for 70 jewels, lol. SepH really should come up with some solution, cause this situation is not fair to new players. But it's mostly players fault too, they keep bidding too much for the items.. And making fake offers for items.. Rather lame.
yup i agree with u same as others (even those one who are building up this situation). Yea i play here about half year (6 months) and i remember those old good days ... But lets stop that silly little spaming and get more opinions ;D
welll the prices did go high..i mean for bk lvl 3 wing 1000 jwlz wtf :-o or i see now for a gemstone = 3 jwlz....i mean looooooooooool
exactly...i've been playing here for about a year or so now...and have watched this all happen...but only recently have you seen prices rise by 2-3 times or 7-8 times on others...i mean look at the price of ancient only 5 weeks ago...10 70-100...either ancients are getting harder to find...or jwls are easier to find...because there is no way prices should have sky-rocketed like less than 2 months
it's because people sell anciets for 100jwls each, then since ancinet are only 1 item and not that much, people start selling bk wings for 1000 jwls, which is ten anciets, since anciets are so accssible, like CC and LOT (now thanks to aape) people wills tills ell for 100 jwls,a nd prices will get high, and i have to admit, i was one of those people silling for 100jwls ^_^
The more upgrade items that be release in the server the more it will be a good price... But some old items doesn't need to over priced it...=D
prices are too high now, before the upgrade i bought lvl 3 elf wing for 15 jwls only now is too big, minimum at 200 and bk wing lvl 3 for 60 and mantle for 30 only. as long as theres someone buying the high prices, it wont be controlled.
ehhh dear tudo ur opinions in most of threads are useless... its my opinion against u... make something usefull^^...
First of all,speak English,not random gibberish,I can hardly understand what you're trying to say.I'm not a native speaker either,but my English skills are decent,in my humble opinion. And yes,all of my posts are totally useless,but looking at your suggestions,I'd rather continue spamming the whole forum board than listening to you,son.Please stop flaming before you get yourself warned. Have a nice day ! By the way,SephiroTH advised us not to buy level 3 BK wings for a week or so.This will hopefully fix the inflation.
If you open again a thread with same subject i will ban you guys from forum This subject is already openeid into another thread The only one making this overpriced are you guys and only you. As i ve said stop buying / selling at high prices and and everyone will cease after 1-2 weeks before you complained about you don t have enough jwls , now that u overprice items ... that s rly funny And akken don t worry you won t see srv rip as ppl are playing more than ever everyday. @Though a lower jwl drop will be accepted and changed this week Edit: Reopened, just don t flame or spam
yeah there is one other problem that goes along with the overpriced 3rd bk wings...people are selling for over a full trade of this allows for "noobs" to show the wings...and have the other person trade X amount of jewels and then the full trade...but instead the do the first trade then everyone who is buying wings should not pay over 960 (the max jwls for 1 trade) this could help out a lil bit...would bring it down under 1000...and maybe eventually it will go lower... some time ago , a forum post with that dosnt care for that users who are selling the overpriced wings and the ppl who is registered on forum enjoy the overprice too, to be honest who never overprice items to earn more jwls? lets do it simple: Player 1(noob) - Player 2(old user) P2: sell bk wings 900 jwl! P1: (if bk wings costs that so a noob set costs 300 jwl) P1: sell leather set +9 = 300 jwl! P2: sell bk wings 1200 jwl! other side P1: buy ancient item 30 jwl! no one pm him so he think he made a low offer P1: buy ancient item 50 jwl! again no one pm him P1: buy ancient item 100 jwl! a lot of pms offering ancient item. so if u dont like the overprice and u want the prices come down start giving the example and when u post that u are selling something try to not overprice ur items, all here know how much jwls can cost one item of course selling 3rd lvl wings for 50 jwls will be a joke cause 50 jwls u need to make them without buying nothing! but 1500 its disgusting. my two cents if u dont like the overprice dont use it to get more jwls!
someone sad 2 increes the exe drop(it's god the way it is,as weal as jwl drop).indeed the overpriced items is a problem 4 all players,not only 4 noobs,but some players use these ocasion 2 get some jwl without any strugle(i think some of u <including me> did this at least 1 time). to ger rid of this problem i have some sugestion that i thing you will agree with: -4 start stop buying items at a high price ,you are macking the inflation posible.if u need an item so badly try 4 a change 2 find it yourself or donete a few bucks and get a full set! -stop fooling noobs that the item you are about 2 sell it 2 is hard 2 find and help him 4 a change ,remeber how it was when you ware a noob and tried 2 make your set and your first 10 rr's -and here comes the last sugestion: rise the sucses rate 4 lvl 3 wings and items+10...+13 a lill bit so that every1 can make the items themself,but only 4 1 mounth or so ,just till the prices come 2 the orignal state! hope you will agre with my sugestions and sory 4 my bad english(i felled at spelling )
last suggestion is lame. You are not on a high exp server here As soon as we implement S4, overprice will be no more
after put s4 .. is gonna be svr whipe ? or the old data base stay ? if there is gona be a wipe i will not lvl`ul my other chars