improving suggestions

Discussion in 'Archive' started by KraMer, Nov 17, 2011.

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  1. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    *first ill explain why should happen and then what should happen*

    During the time i have been back blood castle (and devil square) have been completly abandoned, thus something that would attract players to entering them is required.

    Current price (of bc) is chance of getting 1s or 10s stack, which doesnt seem to motivate players to enter these events.

    to motivate players to enter in my opinion we should follow the road which diablomu is already walking, change the price to 1 amuled of luck(or whatever it is called) and cut the number of said events per day.

    If there would be say 4 events per day (bc 3pm, ds 9pm, bc 3am, ds 9am gmt+2) the server economy wouldnt take too hard hit and players would surely participate in blood castle and devil square!

    Now to convince it would be too hard hit to economy here's how many amulets it would take to upgrade whole set +luck from +9 to +13

    1 item+luck from +9 to +10=25 amulets
    1 item+luck from +10 to +11=30 amulets
    1 item+luck from +11 to +12=35 amulets
    1 item+luck from +12 to +13=40 amulets
    1 item+luck from +9 to +13=130 amulets of luck
    8 items+luck (including also wings and swords/shield) from +9 to +13=1040 amulets of luck

    Now say a player can likely participate in 2 or max 3 of these events daily and not necessarily win everytime (because of competition)

    If player can win 2 events per day it would take approximately 2 months to safely upgrade 1 item+luck from +9 to +13 and roughly 1,5 years to safely upgrade whole set.

    and this is if the all of said items have luck, items without luck cannot be combined safely because the space in cm isnt large enought(actually not all items+luck either)

    SO MY SUGGESTION #1 IS: change bc & ds price to amulet of luck

    - - - -

    Players hunt items daily and have limited space, for example i hunt items from goldens daily and have ran out of space in roughly 2 weeks from starting again, so i have had to make several accounts to have enought space for all of my gear, so wouldnt it be easier for everyone if we had bigger multivaults?
    its not like we have a problem with running out of space since we can create multible accounts with their own multivaults, but wouldnt it just be more conventional to have all of the spare items on my main account so i wouldnt need to switch to secondary account (and start the 2 hour period to get blizzpoint from beginning again) every time i need to trade something that's stored on alternative account or character.

    MY SUGGESTION #2 IS: add up to 20 multivaults so we wont run out of space anytime soon
  2. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    correction :Now to convince it wouldnt***** be
  3. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    currently jwls of bless are overtaking the market as they are dropping from everything(ww, golden archer, chaos box etc..) whereas jewels of soul are fairly rare, so almost no-one is willing to sell use their souls for trading, so remove jewel of bless from box of heaven and increase jwl of soul rate instead (rena 50%/soul 50%)

    SUGGESTION #3: remove jewel of bless from BOH and INCREASE SOUL DROP RATE IN THEM

    puresoul and seemingly many others have quit here after playing more or less because exc item & jewel drops are off the charts, so please please admit that it was a bad idea to raise the drop rate (from boks and from mobs) and return it to the way it was.

    SUGESTION #4: return drop rates the way they were

    currently moss merchant gives fairly easily items like non exc. archangel swords and non exc. boneblades..+13!! personally i would have nothing against getting +0 or even +9 gear from moss this easily, but not lvl 380 gear , nor archangel weapons, when it gives a decent item its supposed to be one of those weapons listed, not just random high level item, so please reconfigure moss merchant so that it gives decent, but not over the top weapons, also exc. ones would be great (i believe no one has found an exc. one from moss yet, even though it has been active for a month or so and we have fed moss a lot of zen.

    SUGGESTION #5: reconfigure MOSS MERCHANT!
  4. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    you don't exc from moss...and puresoul and others have quit because they can't use their precious specific looter anymore... and agreed on the soul increase
  5. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    actually exc. beuroba is supposed to be available from moss, thats how it was in gmo when i was added(although the rates were insane there...) and thats how it was configured here.
  6. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    maybe bringing back marrytrace and coins/points from bosses would be good idea also
  7. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    regarding this, i would like to suggest that moss requires 1,5 billion zen and is sure to give an excellent beuroba/chromatic staff etc etc.
  8. Avalon

    Avalon Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    Ehm, 1,5 billion zen is nothing ^^ its like a week or two with looter on xD

    1,5billion for lets say a 1/100 chance of getting exc high items would be fair!
  9. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    its a good idea to put it that high and have bok+4/+5 weps and the new weps exc for that price...but reduce zen a lil bit in parties would make it more fun :)
  10. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    PureSoul quit because his character was deleted , maybe it was the same bug kramer had or maybe sephiroth just deleted the account, but lets just say the administration really doesn't have time for this server , such a shame that this server has potential , i didn't quit because of bot , because if you remember GodofWar was caught looting and my character PureSoul and Godess in ranking are deleted . And regarding the soul drop rate , there are 6 chaos castles in a day , 6 x 3 souls = 18 souls just from chaos castle , all you must do is do as many as you can.
  11. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Dude, guys like you are not ment to play multiplayer games as i've said.

    You know quite well there was no bug and you deleted your own character because you were pissed off and now you regret it. That happens when you got no brains and you're acting like a kid so i really feel sorry for you but you don't deserve to be a play here just because you were stupid enough to keep autolooting and disrespecting rules, the others and me.

    You weren't even banned latest time since only a thread warning was created by Arabella so i can see it and ofc you started flaming towards him just because he hates such rule breakers as i do.

    Also, the administration really doesn't have time for all your stupid suggestions. Change that, change that and that ... and when everything is changed .. oh let's open a new thread and say that everything should switched back on to how it was. Except stupidity i really can't find a reason here.

    I won't answer on some threads because of the following reasons

    - our main interest is stability and a bugless server comparing to other servers that make updates w/o testing and then are filled with bugs and players start complaing

    - i'm busy with more important projects which are a priority but i'm nothing down if the suggesion is good enough

    - and last but not latest, lame thread of making false statements and accusations because x was banned by y who reported it , etc simply do not deserve my attention because they'll just make me nervous and i got enough stress everyday so such lame threads would just make me loose interest in working when i see such pathetic attitud. I am blaming only james here to be exact just because you change as the wind changes so again i consider this a mental problem.
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